Part forty three- Crazy night and playing games with One Direction and my bro

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Everyone sat down where they were before Kyle n Niall both had a bowl of chips I just rolled my eyes at them they both noticed n Niall said "don't judge" n Kyle said "yeahhh" anyway I moved on n went to grab a piece of paper Louis said "wait y do u get to go first", "because ladies always go first" everyone said "oooo" n Louis crossed his arms n said "fine I call going after u". first piece of paper said party kinect wii game "uh wats this?" Zayn said"u will see" n he went over to the wii n set it up for us he told us to stand in front of the tv there is 7 of us so we had to get close then on the tv I could see us Zayn said "u ready?" everyone yelled yeah back n suddenly on the tv screen it looks like there was lava on the floor so we all jumped on the couch the lava was getting higher so we all tried to stand on the couch n there wasn't enough room Nialll yelled out "i know wat to do" n he pushed Louis off the couch Louis fell on the floor n on the tv it looked like he was drowning he started moving his arms around to make it look like he was swimming suddenly screen changed n we looked like we were giants n there was small building n airplanes flying around everyone started marching around n breaking down the building a little camera showed in the corner n said smile in 3 2 1 Niall was breaking airplanes wit his butt Kyle was trying to make it looked like he was eating a airplane Zayn n Liam high fived n Harry jumped on my back then screen switched n it said last one in big letters on the screen , the screen changed n now it was all colorful n when ever we moved it would change colors everyone started to dance around Niall wrapped his arms around me n started dancing wit me again I smiled as the game ended n Louis said"lets do something else" n he got a piece of paper n said "yayyyy twister" all the guys cheered "yayyy" n Louis ran to get the game he returned a second later n started laying out the mat. I noticed Liam starring at me so I said "what?", "u dont look happy about playing twisters", "its not that its just im playing twister wit 6 guys", "i have an idea" n he walked away pulling his phone out, Niall said "me first n stood on the mat Louis spun the little spinner "right foot green".

*5 minutes later*

We are starting to get in the game Zayn and Harry lost at the start there's just to many people so we r going to do half of us in the next round anyway at the moment each guy has claimed a corner so I was stuck in the middle, Its Niall's turn n theres something I noticed that he does even if theres a free green right beside him he chooses the one closest to me Zayn said "alright Niall right hand red" I looked down at the mat n seen a red right by him he looked at me n smiled n leaned over me reaching over to the red on my other side which caused us to be face to face n it was just my turn before Niall's so we will be like this for a while. He started whispering something so I leaned in to listen n said "since we didn't finish our date we will finish tonight" I smiled n so did Niall he leaned forward n kissed me I kissed back n suddenly there was a knock on the door n then a body came crushing down on me so I fell being crushed by a few of the boys "get off" I yelled n everyone got up n Liam said "sorry guys that scared me n Marissa can u get the door its for u", "for me?" I walked to the door n opened it there was two girls standing there, the girl with blonde hair said "oh my gosh u must be Marissa" with a heavy British accent n she hugged me tightly I hugged her back n looked at the other girl who had dark hair. Zayn walked over to me n the girl wit blonde hair he wrapped his arm around her n said this is my girlfriend Parrie" he pointed at the one wit dark hair n said "that's-" he was cut off by Louis saying "shes my girlfriend Eleanor" n he kissed her. Everyone started saying hi to each other Eleanor came up to me "oh my gosh I heard so much about " then looked at NIalI who was blushing, I looked back at Eleanor n she was holding her arms open I gave her a tight hug Louis wrapped his arms around us both hugging us then yelled "group hug" n everyone joined in. Once we all stepped away I said "finally some girls it smells like boys" both girls smiled n Eleanor yelled "girl power" then Louis said "booo" that made him get a death stare from Eleanor n Louis covered his mouth we all laughed at them n Zayn said "alright lets get on with the game first round is four people then the next round is the other five people" then Louis handed me a different hat wit papers in it n I said "uh wats this for?", "everyones names to see whos the first four" I patted him on the head n said "good job" he smiled n i grabbed the first piece of paper n said "yesss meee" Louis said "what?!" n took the piece of paper out of my hands once he seen it he crossed his arms n threw it down n said "no fair" Eleanor said "eh honey stop being so silly" he stuck his tongue out at her n she did it back i grabbed three more pieces n said the names out loud "oh god Louis, Niall and Harry" the three of them cheered n everyone else sat down Kyle quickly grabbed the spinner n said "alright whos first?" Louis stuck his arm up n stood on the mat Kyle spinned the spinner n said "right foot green".

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