~𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎~

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I just remembered something from middle school so i'm vegetarian, and my friends thought it was funny to put meat in my food. I dropped them of course but I just realized how shitty that was🤨

Anyways enjoy angels!<3


I was currently eating breakfast. Alone. My eyes red from crying all night. Macy and Liam were hung over from last night so they're skipping classes today.

I would sit with Spencer or Elijah but I honestly want to be alone.

One hand was rested on my neck and the other was holding my fork. I moved my eggs around my plate. Draco still hasn't come down yet.

I was poking my bacon when finally he walked in. He looked at me, I smiled at him but he didn't return it. He looked dead.

He was more pale, he looked like he hasn't slept. He looked at me in disgust before sitting with his friends.

Whats more worse is that I have all my classes with him today. And we sit next to each other in three of them.

I pushed my plate away and stood up, not even feeling the need to eat. I looked at him once more before walking to our first class. I sat down and scooted my chair further from him.

He walked in, by his expression I could tell that he forgot he sat next to me. He made his way over to me. Still silent.

"Open your books to page 258," Snape began. The room was filled with the sounds of books and pages turning.

"As you can probably read, this week we're learning about Amortentia. We learned a bit about this in 5th year so you should know what it is." He continued.

I played with the pages of my book, barely paying attention. I wonder if draco would smell me. Or if I would smell him.

All my thinking made me snap out of reality. "Pierce," I heard faintly. I continued to stare off into in space.

"Ms.pierce!" I jumped up and realized snape has been calling my name. Everyone was watching me, including draco.

"Since you are so smart and don't feel the need to pay attention, why don't you remind us what Amortentia is?" He leaned against his desk.

"Erm- It's uh," I was embarrassed. I knew what it was but I couldn't get to words out. "Amortentia is t-the most powerful love potion in the world." I shifted in my seat.

He nodded his head and continued teaching. "Now, you and your partners will share what you smell, and write an essay about Amortentia. This is worth 70 percent of your grade so I suggest you do it." He droned.

I stood up and looked into the potion in front of me. Draco didn't even look at me. "I'll go first," I removed my robe revealing my tight blouse and shortish skirt.

I noticed him watching me.

I leaned towards it and smelled it. "I smell um, Peppermint gum, subtle cologne and," I took a pause and looked at him.

"Erm-smoke." I finished before sitting down. That was his scent. But how did I smell him, if I don't even know what I feel for him?

He stood up and crossed his arms. "I smell smoke, strawberries and coffee." He said casually before sitting down.

"You smell me?" I asked looking at him.

He ignored me and flipped through the pages of his book. I felt hurt. That he's ignoring me like this. I, I do love him.

Maybe it took me so long to admit it because I don't want him to hurt me again. But now i'm hurting him. And I don't like it.

"Draco," I placed my hand over his but he moved it away. I did it again but this time I tightened my grip so he'd pay attention.

Burning love, (D.M)Where stories live. Discover now