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"the most beautiful stories, always start with wreckage." - Jack London

" - Jack London

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Althea wished she could say she was nervous, but the truth was, she'd stopped getting nervous her third time doing this

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Althea wished she could say she was nervous, but the truth was, she'd stopped getting nervous her third time doing this. Now cue three years later, she was in the secretary's office trying to establish her twelfth transfer. Trying being the operative word here, because the secretary wasn't being cooperative. 

As she sat at her desk, typing away, she looked up at the young girl and asked, "This is your third transfer this year?" Thea internally rolled her eyes, she thought the answer to that particular question was quite obvious, seeing as it was clearly laid out in her file, but she held her tongue and merely nodded her head. At her action, she noticed the lady giving her a pitying stare, the sort that spells out oh, you poor thing. The young girl felt herself tense-up at that, she didn't want pity, nor did she need it. In fact, she'd much rather the secretary not feel anything concerning her, as she wanted to avoid having to answer unnecessary questions, the unnecessary questions she just knew she was about to be asked. So she decided to cheat a little, she looked into the older woman's eyes, and subtly pulled on a small hangnail on her thumb, and muttered "mens cogere" under her breath. It was a spell, one of the girl's own creation, that allowed for the recipient's mind to be compelled into doing whatever she asked them to. She didn't particularly enjoy using it, but she found that for situations such as these, it certainly came in handy.

Looking at the older woman, she said, "Everything in my file is in order, you just need to give me my schedule." The older lady's eyes became glassy, only to clear again, and she simply handed her schedule with a small smile and an overtly exuberant "Welcome to Mystic Falls!"

Thea gave her a grateful smile and turned to leave, only to walk straight into what felt like a wall. Her whole body was engulfed by a familiar iciness at the contact with the stranger,  a feeling she could only equate to death itself, and she quickly squeaked out a hurried "I'm so sorry" before speeding to find make her way to her locker.

Christ, she just had to pick the one town where she'd meet a vampire on her first day, didn't she?


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