A Few Good Men

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"it was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight." - Vladimir Nabokov

" - Vladimir Nabokov

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It had been a few days

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It had been a few days. Four to be exact. She'd woken up the morning after the ritual to find that, true enough, she had blood running in streaks down her cheeks. It looked mildly horrifying, she recalled.

But that was then, and now, she simply kept re-charging. She'd convinced Sheila to move away, knowing it would be safer for her. The woman was getting older, and she had a knack for interfering, and she knew she wouldn't have been able to handle whatever magical crisis occurred next.

Bonnie had gone with her, to help her get settled in. The two witches had kept in touch, but she knew her friend had been avoiding a certain brunette. She could understand Bonnie's anger, after all, she had almost died trying to keep the barrier down, and her grandmother had been involved, only for all their efforts to have been in vain. Thea just hoped the anger wouldn't last long, otherwise, she'd have to get involved, and teen drama was the last thing she wanted to deal with these days.

The girl had just grabbed her third cup of coffee, before her phone rang.

"Go for Thea," she answered jovially.

"Hey, you're in a good mood this morning."

"Stef, my favourite brooding victorian vampire! Why wouldn't I be? The sun's shining, the birds are chirping, I'm alive and fully charged-up. Life's fine."

"Just fine?"

"I mean, it'd be great if Damon wasn't moping around, draining his way through Whitmore's Greek Row, but whatever. You win some, you lose some."

"Speaking of, I need you to come with me to the boarding house. He may have known Elena's birthmother, and you're the only one he'll talk to these days."

The girl sighed in exasperation, replying, "Look, I'm not gonna pressure him into answering questions for you if he's not ready. That's not the way our relationship works Stefan."

"Then let me do the asking. I think he needs to see you, Thea. He's a mess."

"What about what I need? Why does no one ever think of that? Don't you think that maybe watching him moping about his long-lost love with the bitch isn't the best thing for my heart?"

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