Founder's Day

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"I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Scott Fitzgerald

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She had woken up fairly early, eyelids fluttering against the wisps of light coming through her curtains

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She had woken up fairly early, eyelids fluttering against the wisps of light coming through her curtains. Damon was, as usual, wrapped around her like a vine, and she nuzzled her face into his bare chest affectionately. It had been a couple of days, since that night where she'd admitted her feelings, and clothing had become entirely optional.

Feeling her movement, his arms tightened around her, before he whispered, "Where are you going?"

Pressing her lips against his skin, she hoarsely replied, "I gotta get to Care's. I've got her dress/gift, remember?"

She'd contacted one of her mother's friends in New York, an incredibly talented costume designer, and had asked her to re-create two of the most infamous dresses from Gone With the Wind. The girl had figured it would be appropriate enough, with the movie being the inspiration behind the entire float and all. She'd received the garments yesterday, and was quite excited to see Care's reaction.

"Are you going to let me see yours?" He asked, eyebrows raised in amusement. Thea chuckled softly in answer, shaking her head, "Hey, you got out of joining me on the damn thing, so consider this your punishment. You get to see it when everyone else does."

"You do know I lived during this time period, right?" He smirked, "I know what the dresses looked like."

Leaning close, she rubbed her nose against his, saying teasingly, "But you don't know what I'd look like in one. Just imagine, corset, bare shoulders...."

"If you don't stop, I'm holding you hostage in this bed. Naked." He groaned against her lips. She laughed, feeling the emotions flowing through him and into her.

Their bond had gotten stronger, since they'd slept together. She could glimpse it sometimes now, whenever her focus on her surroundings wavered, and her third eye opened. Red, and thrumming, it spread from his heart to hers, tying them together.

They could feel each other's emotions more keenly too, which they'd realised by accident, when Damon's fantasies had gotten the best of him, yesterday afternoon. God, that had been embarrassing for her. She could feel his fantasy as though the actions were being taken on her, rather than the image in his head. She'd had to excuse herself from her class, just so she could hide out her orgasm in a random bathroom stall. He'd been at the boarding house too, so it clearly transcended distance now.

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