History Repeating

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"and I, love, am a pathological liar." - Sylvia Plath

" - Sylvia Plath

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She was dreaming, she knew she was

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She was dreaming, she knew she was. That black expanse the stretched out for miles around was as good of an indicator as any, but for the first time, Thea wished she wasn't. She didn't want to see Damon, she didn't want him to tell her that what happened at the grill earlier was a mistake. She just wanted to cherish the memory of him wanting her, for even a split second, as much as she wanted him, before reality tore it away from her.

The girl sat down, hoping her vampire counterpart wouldn't show up today, but she knew her luck was terrible when she heard his voice call out, "Thea?"

A stinging pain roared in her soul. He hadn't called her that since they met, she's always been 'Angel' to him. It felt like that was his distance, the step back he'd taken to ensure she knew that to him, she was just like everyone else.

Taking a breath and steeling her heart against the pain it felt, she answered with a quick, "Over here," before quieting again. She didn't want to do this. Why couldn't they just pretend nothing had happened? Why did she have to come to Mystic Falls, of all places?

He appeared before her, like some kind of angelic figure, before slowly sitting down in front of her. Giving her a snarky grin, he said, "Back here again, I see."

She could see it now, the mask that fell over his face, hiding everything from her. That same mask he'd worn around everyone but her since she'd come to this godforsaken town.

Looking at him apathetically, she said, "Not by any choice of mine, mind you."

"Ouch, you're clearly pissed."

Sighing, she finally met his eyes. "I'm not pissed Damon, I'm just a little tired of winding up here." She could tell he was worried, and found herself wanting to reassure him. "I'm alright, don't worry."

"Thea..." he began softly, before she quickly interrupted him, "If you're gonna apologise for what happened earlier, don't. I'm a big girl Damon, I know regret when I see it, but don't make it worse by apologising, alright?"

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