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"and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness." - Robert Fulghum

" - Robert Fulghum

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She let out a strangled scream, before a pair of familiar eyes made their way into her vision

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She let out a strangled scream, before a pair of familiar eyes made their way into her vision. Startled. Her head jerked back of its own accord, before a groan of pain made its way out of her lips.

"How ya doing in there?"

"Ace?" She whispered.

"You look stuck," was his simple answer.

She began tugging at her seatbelt, trying to get it to open, before failing. She didn't know whether that was due to the mechanism being jammed, or to the obvious concussion she'd sustained during the accident, but she she looked at him with tears of pain in her eyes, before saying, "It's my seat belt. I can't get it."

He leaned in closer, she could feel his breath coasting over her face, as he gently calmed her down, "Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof." Waiting until she'd complied, he continued, "Just like that. You ready? 1, 2, 3."

With a quick jerk of his hand, her seatbelt ejected itself, and she felt herself falling towards her roof. Before her weak arms could drop under her weight, he'd picked her up and held her cradled in his arms, "I got you. Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?"

Nodding, she waited until he'd put her down. The minute her legs made contact with the gravel however, they turned to jelly, and she felt herself falling forward, before his arms picked her up again.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Angel. Angel, look at me." He worriedly grabbed her face, his hands felt warm against her cheeks, "Focus. Look at me. Okay."

Meeting his eyes, she could only mumbled a tired, "Ace.." Before darkness claimed her once more.


She could feel movement under her, and direct sunlight slashing across her closed eyelids. Thea wiggled around, attempting to get comfortable again, before she realised how futile that was, and opened her eyes.

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