There Goes the Neighbourhood

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"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul." -Pablo Neruda

" -Pablo Neruda

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Thea woke up with a smile

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Thea woke up with a smile. She was wrapped up in comforting arms, her head resting against his chest. They were both still clothed, but the haze of love she was under was breathtaking. Nuzzling into him, she groggily opened one eye, before looking up.

He was staring at her, twin ice-blue eyes gazing into hers. "Were you watching me sleep?" She asked with a smile, voice still heavy with slumber.

"I wasn't watching. I was gazing." He replied promptly, a soft grin making its way onto his face.

"It's creepy." She answered, before flipping them over, and using her arms to raise herself above him.

"It's romantic," he whispered back, as his hands met behind her neck, and their lips clashed together. The girl moaned into him, skin tingling from the contact. That cord that hung between them was buzzing with electricity. She could feel how happy he was, how content, and the knowledge filled her chest with warmth.

She laid one last kiss on his smiling mouth, before moving away. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"School. I've missed enough of it, and Caroline will have my head if I don't make an appearance today." She replied promptly.

Hands grabbed at her waist, before she was picked up. Giggling, she exclaimed, "Ace!" Before leaning her head back into him. "Are you sure I can't convince you to stay here with me?" He whispered in the crook of her neck.

"Nope, unfortunately not." Feeling her feet land back on the ground, she turned and placed her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes as she said, "This is the happiest I've been in a while, can you feel that? Can you tell, how happy you've made me?"

"Are you sure?" He asked, a flash of insecurity crossing his gaze. He looked so incredibly human, all of a sudden, so innocent and longing. Standing on her tippy-toes, she leaned her forehead against his, and gave him a soft kiss, one where she tried to send everything she felt for him through. "I've never been more sure of anything," she gasped, pulling away. Throwing him a smile over her shoulder, she made her way into her shower, screaming out, "No, you're not allowed to join me, I'm already late enough!" As the door closed behind her.

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