Let the Right One In

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"completely and perfectly incandescently happy." - Jane Austen

" - Jane Austen

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She woke up feeling perfect

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She woke up feeling perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. She supposed that was one of the benefits of sleeping next to a vampire. Damon's temperature was cold, a side effect of his vampirism, but compared to her constantly overheating body, it made for a perfectly good balance.

Sighing in satisfaction, she felt his arms wrap around her tighter, pulling her back flush against his chest, before his gravely voice whispered, "You up?"

Humming in answer, she turned in his arms, nudging her nose against his affectionately, shyly whispering, "Hi," before giving him a soft smile.

"Hi back. I could get used to waking up like this every morning," he said, before leaning down and pecking her lips gently.


"Uh-huh, you're comfortable in the mornings, all snuggled up into me like a kitten,"

Laughing, she gasped, "I'm not a kitten Ace. More like a tiger, if anything."

"Tiger, kitten, it's all soft and cuddly either way," he muttered in reply, before bringing her tighter into him.

Nuzzling into his chest, she whispered happily, "I like this, you know? Waking up to you, having one minute where it doesn't feel like the world is imploding on our heads. I also like being able to do this," she leaned up, and pressed her lips against his softly, "whenever I want."

"Me too, Angel. Feel free to exercise that right every second of every day," he whispered, smiling against her lips. Giggling slightly, she kissed him harder, opening her mouth, feeling his tongue tangling with hers.

With a low moan, he flipped her over, bracing his forearms above her head, and pressing his body tighter against hers. The kiss changed, became more passionate. She could feel their bond thrumming and buzzing with electricity, fuelling their arousal. It also didn't help that she could feel his emotions mixing with hers. Everything was heightened to an incredibly intense degree, and she no longer knew where he ended and she began.

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