The Night of the Comet

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"life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." - Soren Kierkegaard

" - Soren Kierkegaard

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After the events of the bonfire, all Thea wanted was a quiet day

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After the events of the bonfire, all Thea wanted was a quiet day. One with as little drama as possible. She'd woken up in a cold sweat, having had nightmares of her family's passing all night.

As she looked in the mirror, she could see the exhaustion in her eyes. The dark bags circling them had definitely grown overnight. She was also significantly paler. She knew she needed to release her magic, it felt like it was buzzing beneath her skin, but she didn't know where or how.

Blood Magic was different. She didn't need to call upon the ancestors or the elements to cast spells, she simply needed to shed blood. The more blood she shed, the more powerful the spell. But self-inflicted wounds for the purpose of magic would always scar, and no amount of tinctures or spells could get rid of them. They also drew unnecessary attention, and in a town fraught with magic like Mystic Falls, Thea couldn't afford to have her secret let out. She knew what traditional witches thought of her powers, how they referred to her as an abomination. Hell, it was a coven of witches obsessed with purity that had murdered her family in search of her. Any attention would simply draw them here, and she really like living in Mystic Falls so far. It was the first town where she'd truly felt at home.

The young girl got ready and made her way to the school, hoping against hope that her day would remain uneventful. And it was, for the most part at least. History lesson droned on, as Tanner soliloquised about the upcoming comet set to pass, which again, how in Dante's seven circles of hell would this be considered an approved curriculum for a history class? Isn't the information supposed to be unbiased? Because it seemed to her that the students here were only learning about the history of Mystic Falls, not the rest of the world, or even the rest of the US.

Regardless, once that lesson had ended, she met up with Elena and Stefan in the corridor, seeing as the latter apparently had something he wanted to give her. "Hey guys," she yawned. Elena looked at her worriedly, "Are you okay T? You look exhausted."

"Yeah, I didn't get all that much sleep last night, its nothing a couple cups of coffee can't fix though." Looking at her green-eyed friend, she asked,  "So what is it you wanted to give me Stef?"

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