Fool Me Once

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"so, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." - Paulo Coelho

" - Paulo Coelho

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She'd woken up later than normal

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She'd woken up later than normal. Much, much later. The girl had disabled her alarm the night before, wanting to catch up on all the sleep she'd missed. Looking at her phone, she found a litany of missed calls from both Salvatores, which he elected to ignore.

She didn't need a reminder of last night, of how naive she'd been, of how desperate she'd seemed. She was good. She wanted to get her affairs in order, so she could leave this town and start again somewhere new.

But first, she was going to visit Sheila Bennett. It was time for the elderly witch to explain her connection to Damon. She'd take any information at this point, anything to build on, but she needed to know.

The girl took a quick shower, before she was striding out the door. She'd skipped breakfast. She told herself it was because she didn't have the time, but really, it was punishment. For not seeing the reality behind the lies, for being so easily fooled. For falling in love with him. Besides, she reasoned, it was already noon, and she really couldn't afford to be any later, if she also wanted to go to the bank after. Pulling up in front of the woman's house, the door opened before she could even knock, and Grams said, "Thea, I had a feeling you were going to come today."

Guiding her inside, she pointed her to a a seat, before taking one across from her, and diving straight in. "I haven't been able to find anything concrete about shared dreams and the like."

Sighing in disappointment, the young witch asked, "Would it help if I told you a couple more things that have happened lately?" The older women nodded, "Well it certainly wouldn't be useless," and the girl began explaining.

"It feels like there's this cord tying me to him, and every time we're near each other, it literally pulses with magic. I always think of it as electricity, but I guess it's gotta be magic. It was faint at first, really weak. But it's gotten stronger and stronger, to the point where sometimes it feels like I can actually see it, like its become a true physical thing. And lately, I think I've been feeling his emotions too. The other night, I got so angry at him, and I was so hurt. But I think he felt the same, because the emotions were fairly magnified, to the point where I almost passed out."

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