You're Undead to Me

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"we are all broken, that's how the light gets in." - Ernest Hemingway

" - Ernest Hemingway

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Thea was walking in the dark

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Thea was walking in the dark. Quite literally. She was in what seemed to be the exact opposite of a white room. This was one filled with darkness, a sensory deprivation tank of some sort. She didn't really know why her mind had decided this was what she needed to see during her time of rest, much less why she needed to be lucid during it. But sensing that she had no other options, the girl simply kept walking.

And walking.

And walking some more.

Until she stopped. It felt like she'd been walking in circles for the past hour or so, and she had yet to see any possible change in her environment. In fact, she suspected that she hadn't moved at all from her prior location, so she simply sat down, and closed her eyes, deciding to wait in this position until her physical body woke up. 

That was her plan, until she heard a surprised, "Angel?"

Opening her eyes, she found herself face to face with Damon. Startled, the girl could only ask, "D? What are you doing in my dream?" Before she felt herself being pulled awake.


As soon as Thea opened her eyes, she knew this day wouldn't be the best. The mysterious dream she'd had featuring Damon, which she'd decided to ignore because frankly she didn't need her subconscious to further let her know that she was crushing on him, and then she broke her alarm clock. Again.

The kicker though, was the text message from Bonnie, informing her on what they'd found out after she'd left the party. Damon had been mistreating Caroline, who had gaps in her memory and bite marks all over her body.

She knew plenty of vampires fed from humans, but this was unacceptable behaviour, so without really overthinking it, she called Stefan.

Her phone rang only for a couple of minutes before it was picked up with a cheery, "hello"

She started in on him immediately, "I get that you've got issues with your brother, but how the fuck could you let him treat Caroline like that?"

"Thea...You don't understand, he's stronger than me. There wasn't much I could do."

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