Lost Girls

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"the truth is rarely pure and never simple." - Oscar Wilde

" - Oscar Wilde

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She could hear groans surrounding her

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She could hear groans surrounding her. Painful ones. It sounded like the person emitting those sounds was being tortured. Walking around the chasm of darkness she found herself surrounded by, Thea attempted to find the source of the noise.

Easier said than done, as there was no sense of direction in an environment where all you can see is black. After what felt like hours, the girl threw caution to the wind, and remembering who had been her companion the last time she'd visited this place, she called out a hesitant, "Damon?"

The pained grunts suddenly stopped, being replaced by a voice she was very familiar with, "Angel? Is that you?"

The girl shouted, "Keep talking, I'm going to try and follow your voice."

And so she did. Straight, left, left, right, straight again. On and on until she finally came upon a figure, crumpled pathetically on the ground.

He looked pained, she realised. Weak. His skin was blistered, and paler than it normally was. His shirt was sticking to his skin, and his hair dishevelled and matted with sweat. The sight of him tugged on her heartstrings, but she steeled herself. He didn't deserve her pity.

"You're a sight for sore eyes, Angel." He whispered.

The girl raised a skeptical brow, and muttered, "I see you're getting your just desserts then." Leaning down to his level, she asked, "Did baby bro vervain you and dump your abusing ass somewhere where the sun don't shine?"

"I see you're angry at me then." He groaned.

"I mean, I fully understand that this is simply a manifestation of you projected by my subconscious, but if I'm making you look this shitty, then yeah, I'd say its a safe bet I'm angry." She retorted.

"What do you mean, manifestation of your subconscious? You've invaded my dream. Pretty sure if I'd actually dreamed of you, you'd have been nicer." He replied, confused.

"Wait, hold on. Are you sleeping right now?" She asked.

"Yes. That tends to be when dreams occur honey."

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