Miss Mystic Falls

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"I want you to always remember me. will you always remember that I existed, that I stood next to you here like this?" - Haruki Murakami

 will you always remember that I existed, that I stood next to you here like this?" - Haruki Murakami

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She pulled up to school only to find that her usual parking spot had been overtaken by a vintage red Porsche

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She pulled up to school only to find that her usual parking spot had been overtaken by a vintage red Porsche. Grumbling, she parked next to it and stomped her way to school. It was a beautiful car, don't get her wrong, but this was her spot. Everyone knew it. She may as well have put up a sign in front of it. So that was a grand start to her day, she thought.

As she grabbed her things and made her way to history classroom, she saw Stefan and Elena talking across the hallway. Looking at him, he seemed a little too happy, very much unlike his typical brooding self. It normally wouldn't have fazed her, but with his recent delve back into the world of 'acting like a normal, self-respective vampire' (Damon's words, not hers,) she was slightly wary of any personality changes he might have.

Stepping into the classroom, she threw a quick wave at Rick, before taking her seat. The man stood up and began, "Okay, this week we're gonna set outside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founders' Day. Apparently the community leaders feels it's more important than World War 2 but hey what do I know?" Before the sound of the door opening interrupted him.

Bonnie walked into the class with her head held high, taking her usual seat beside Thea. The blood-witch turned to her friend with a smile and a wink, having already seen her last weekend, but having missed her presence in class. Sue her alright, school was already a bore when she knew most of the material being taught, the only thing that made it semi-bearable were Caroline and Bonnie, and one half off that particular duo had been missing for too long.

"Sorry I'm late." Said the girl, as she took her seat.

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie."


The two witches were catching up by their lockers, with Bonnie telling the raven-haired girl about the recent phone-call she had with her grams.

"She keeps trying to intervene, and convince me to come back. I swear, it's like dealing with a teenager sometimes," laughing, the witch added with a wistful smile, "she also told me to tell you, that she's looking into a couple more sources for info on blood-bonds and the like."

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