Blood Brothers

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"I'm never free from you, not for a moment, not for a moment, not for a second." - Virginia Woolf

" - Virginia Woolf

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When she'd woken up, she found that Damon had carried her to his bed, as was becoming habit to them

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When she'd woken up, she found that Damon had carried her to his bed, as was becoming habit to them. Laughing slightly as she snuggled into his sheets, she couldn't help but marvel at the state of their relationship. It was going incredibly well, better than she could have dreamed it to be. But she wanted to let him know how she felt, how much she loved him, every inch and facet of who he was. She just hoped that he wouldn't run away once she did.

Standing up, the girl yawned lowly as she made her way downstairs, finding her boyfriend perched on the living room couch, with Pearl's device in his hand.

"You still haven't figured out what it does?" She asked as she walked towards him.

His head raised at her voice, before a warm smile took over his face, "Good morning Angel, you look ravishing today."

The girl giggled before settling herself on his lap, cuddling into him. She grabbed the device from his hand and began twisting it around, attempting to figure out what its purpose was.

His arms wrapped around her with a satisfied hum, before he said, "That's one of my favourite feelings in the world, you in my lap, all snuggled into me like a kitten."

"Is that why you're constantly putting me there?" She laughed slightly, before asking with a smile, "And also, what is it with you and comparing me to a kitten? I thought we'd previously established that I'm a tiger."

"I just like having you close to me. At first, it was because I wasn't sure when the last time I'd get to do it would be. Now, it's just because I know I can." He answered.

The girl placed a soft kiss on his lips, sighing in joy. She loved him, she loved him so much and she just had to tell him, consequences be damned. As she opened her mouth to say the words, Elena's voice interrupted her, "Pearl didn't say anything about what this thing does?"

"She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but that was a pocket watch. That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist. Have you spoken to your uncle lately?" He snorted.

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