The Turning Point

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"it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Thea didn't dream that night, but she didn't have restful sleep either

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Thea didn't dream that night, but she didn't have restful sleep either. Nightmares cursed her, and she woke up bathed in a cold sweat, her sister's body as clear as day in her mind's eye.

Walking to her kitchen, she began brewing a cup of coffee before deciding to go for a run, thinking that if she expelled most of the anxious energy in her, she'd be able to plan better for the future. She quickly sent a message to the group chat, warning her best friends that she wouldn't be coming to school today, and asking Caroline specifically, to get her info on why from Bonnie when she could.

She began stripping from her sweat-soaked clothes, replacing them with a black sports bra and workout leggings. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she poured her coffee into a travel cup before making her way outside, and that was the last thing she remembered before a painful blow cracked her skull.



That was all she felt and knew and understood.

She was in so much pain.


The world was starting to get clearer. She knew whoever had hit her, had probably cracked her skull, since that's the only thing that accounted for the unbelievable amount of pain she felt coming from there. She knew broken bones took longer for her magic to heal than flesh wounds, and if she's sustained any sort of cerebral damage, then that would explain why she still felt hazy, and a little lost.

Her hearing still hadn't come back, and trying to open her eyes, she realised that her vision was missing as well. She had probably been brain dead for a second or two, and her body was still trying to bounce back.

There was a sharp repetitive noise in her ear, and it took her longer than normal to discern that it was the sound of gunshots, before a hand roughly grabbed her by the arm and began dragging her. The sharpness of the motion, as well as the scraping of her wound against the floor caused her more pain, and she felt herself fall once again into blissful oblivion.

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