Under Control

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"each time you happen to me all over again." - Edith Wharton

" - Edith Wharton

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There was another event occurring in Mystic Falls that she needed to prepare for

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There was another event occurring in Mystic Falls that she needed to prepare for. Actually, she'd completely forgotten about the upcoming Founder's Day Kick-Off Party (which again, she found to be completely useless. Why would the Founder's day, an actual party, need a kick-off party? Do the people in this town have nothing better to do?) Until Caroline had called her and Bonnie in a tiff, losing her mind because she couldn't find something to wear.

So there she was, lounging on the blonde's bed, her head in Bonnie's lap as the cheerleader began modelling various outfits for them. She wasn't focusing though, truthfully, she couldn't tell you what the blonde had or hadn't worn yet. Her thoughts were preoccupied with Stefan, and his recent relapse into blood-addiction. Damon had informed her of the state he'd found him in, the night they'd both been kidnapped; sitting on the floor, surrounded by a litany of empty blood-bags. Apparently, Elena had fed him her blood while Damon and Rick were getting her out, and he'd been on a binge ever since.

"Hey, Tee, you there with us?" Asked Bonnie suddenly.

Raising her head off her lap, the blood-witch looked around before sighing, "sorry guys, it's been a weird couple of days," She'd kept up with her honesty, having updated the two girls on everything that had happened in Mystic Falls recently that they hadn't been involved in. So they were aware of everything. Blood-bonds and kidnappings included.

"Tell me about it," complained Caroline, before taking a seat next to her and saying, "No actually tell me about it, I haven't heard anything since you told me you and Damon were a thing."

"Wait, you and Damon? That's a thing now?" Exclaimed Bonnie, before whispering to herself, "See, this is what happens when I keep myself out of the loop." Turning to the blood-witch, she said, "Okay, spill everything. Now."

Giggling slightly, she complied, and began explaining, "okay so, you know how your grams had told me he was my blood-bonded, which is why we were really close and stuff right? Well, we decided to give this 'us' thing a try, exclusively." Looking at her friends, she smiled softly and added, "He was the sweetest after the whole tomb-vampire-kidnapping-and-torture situation. Didn't leave my side once. Apparently, he'd been able to feel my fear, which is how he knew I was in trouble, and once the whole thing was over, he asked me about it."

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