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"Look at what I got!" chirped Jimin, placing something that looked like a flyer on the table in front of the two

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"Look at what I got!" chirped Jimin, placing something that looked like a flyer on the table in front of the two.

Chaeyoung placed down her mug of tea and leaned towards the table, taking a closer look.

"R&B night?" she muttered, looking up at Jimin with one eyebrow up. Jimin nodded frantically, tapping at the card with his finger.

"I noticed you two like the same kind of music so I realized it would be cool to go there!" She raised her eyebrows and looked at Taehyung who was still quizzically looking at Jimin.

It was true, she loved R&B music, never had she thought Taehyung would as well.

"But you don't listen to this Chim..."

"It's alright, I'm actually kind of curious about that type of music." She nodded and looked back down at the card, frowning when she noticed the place of the act.

"It's in two days in the drink bar downtown. There should be all kinds of R&B artists AND the drinks will be 50% off!" She chuckled at the sight of overly excited Jimin.

"But we don't even drink."

"Talk for yourself woman, we're going!" Taehyung said suddenly, taking the card and waving it around with a smug grin.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes at him, tilting her head.

Was he planning something?

Oh dear God, send down your blessings and let her survive the night.


The bar was filled to the brim with all kinds of people, the majority being their age. Even so, the atmosphere was kinda calming, R&B music already reaching their ears as they entered.

Chaeyoung gripped Jimin's hand tighter as they made their way through the mass of people towards the counter, Taehyung in lead.

Taehyung was wearing a black and green flannel shirt with his usual black ripped jeans and black converse. His dark hair was in its original mess, looking somehow neat but messy at the same time.

Jimin was wearing his usual black shirt with jeans and white converse, his casual style never failing to impress Chaeyoung. It was such a boring outfit but he somehow always managed to make it look unique.

Chaeyoung was wearing her usual boyfriend ripped jeans with a black tank top and an old pale, yellow cardigan paired with white converse, identical to Jimin's.

They looked like a normal group of friends, ready to enjoy the night with some good music and in each other's presence. But they were anything but that.

Chaeyoung could feel something was about to happen tonight. The sick hunch made her chest tighten, wishing she just stayed at home.

 The sick hunch made her chest tighten, wishing she just stayed at home

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