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Her mind ran one mile per second as she tried to find something clever to say

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Her mind ran one mile per second as she tried to find something clever to say.

It has been already ten awkward seconds with Chaeyoung just holding his wrist as Taehyung waited for her to finally say something, but her mind was blank.

What now?

Should she go straight to the point?

Should she even tell him?

"Are you going to say something or may I go now?" Chaeyoung looked up at him, the annoyed look on his face making her rethink her decisions again.

He hated her to no end, despised her.

She couldn't tell him without him snapping her neck in half in the process.

Taehyung would hate her even more after the truth's out.

"Don't go," she muttered.

Wait, what?

Chaeyoung looked up with slightly widened eyes, surprised at her own words but Taehyung didn't look moved at all.

He snatched his wrist away from her hold and crossed his arms over his chest, giving Chaeyoung a questioning look.

"We should talk," she said calmly, looking him in the eyes without faltering.

"About?" She twitched, frowning at his question.

Yeah, about what exactly?

"Uh," she hesitated, "about this," she uttered uneasily and pointed at him then at herself, hoping he got the point.

Taehyung stayed stoic for a second before chuckling, looking away from her.

"This girl, really," he muttered under his breath and looked back down at Chaeyoung, giving her a dark look. "So first you're after my best friend and now me? You're being pathetic." Chaeyoung widened her eyes at his statement, quickly shaking her head with a horrified look.

"No! You got it wrong, I didn't mean it like that, geez!"

"Than what?" Chaeyoung sighed.

So ignorant.

"I meant the relationship we have now. It can't continue like this." A short silence followed her whispered confession.

"What do you mean?"

Can he be any more clueless?

"What I am saying is, I won't give up on Jimin. He's still someone I dearly care about. But that's why we shouldn't be like this. He cares about both of us sincerely and if he realizes what kind of relationship we have, it would hurt him."

"You make it sound like we're both cheating on him together behind his back."

"But you know that's not what I mean!" she cried, frustrated already.

Taehyung chuckled before taking a step towards Chaeyoung, hovering over her still sitting form.

"I don't intend to be all buddy-buddy with someone who's clearly trying to get me down. Becoming friends with you just to get stabbed in my back later? No thanks." Chaeyoung frowned as he backed away.

"Getting you down was never my intention. I just wanted to stay with J-"

"Isn't that the same?!" Taehyung raised his voice, making her jerk in her seat.

"No, I was just-"

"God damn it, shut up already!" widening her eyes, Chaeyoung looked down at her lap, trying to understand the situation.

Is there really no going through him?

"Listen to me," she started again, calmly, trying every chance she got. "I understand that you and him know each other way longer than I have known him. I understand you guys have a bond I can never compare to. But if I left, disappeared from his life...would he be okay? Tell me, you know him better than anyone else. So tell me, would he be alright after losing a close friend?" Chaeyoung muttered, no single trace of aggression in her speech.

She was tired of being angry.

Taehyung stayed silent, looking her in the eyes as if she was the biggest mistake he has ever seen.

It hurt.

Seeing her soulmate look at her this way.

"You fucking bitch!" Chaeyoung gaped silently at Taehyung's exclamation, looking up at him in disbelief. "You always act as if you know everything, and it's so fucking annoying! But guess what? You don't know a single shit about me! You're nothing but a leech, standing in a way! Just because Jimin took pity on you and became your friend, doesn't mean you're someone special you slut!"

Chaeyoung stayed silent, trying hard not to let the tears flowing.

Hurt, hurt, hurt.

That's all she felt at the moment.

Hurt by his tone, hurt by his look, his words.

His words.

'You fucking bitch!'

'You're nothing but a leech, standing in a way!'

'You slut!'

Never would she guess she would be this hurt by the words coming out of Taehyung's mouth. Since when did he have such an effect on her?

They hurt so much.

Maybe they were true.

Was she really just a nuisance?

Well, she sure as hell was a nuisance to her own soulmate.

Bowing her head, Chaeyoung closed her eyes and sighed with an empty chuckle, a single tear escaping her eye.

There was nothing else to talk about anymore.

"Alright, I'll go," she muttered and stood up, swiftly running around Taehyung and out of the little store into the rain.

She had no more business with him, Taehyung already cleared everything anyway.


"Fucking hell!" he cursed under his breath, messing up his already messy locks. He looked out of the window, seeing her run across the street, the heavy rain already soaking her clothes.

He shouldn't have said that, that was too much. Way too fucking much.

But he couldn't help himself, she was making him boil to the extend he couldn't control his mouth.

He glanced back into the window with guilt, her figure slowly disappearing in the dark and heavy rain.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" he cursed again and stormed out of the little shop, running in her direction.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" he cursed again and stormed out of the little shop, running in her direction

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