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''What's up with that grin?'' pondered Chaeyoung, looking at smiling Jimin in front of her with a questioning frown

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''What's up with that grin?'' pondered Chaeyoung, looking at smiling Jimin in front of her with a questioning frown.

''I will tell you once Tae comes.'' Jimin was basically bouncing in place, looking around the small diner impatiently.

When Jimin texted her a few hours ago, Chaeyoung thought it was going to be just her and him, but apparently not. Not that Chaeyoung minded that much anymore, after everything, she was used to Taehyung's presence already.

She watched suspiciously as the boy in front of her bit back his huge grin, however, it was useless as it still managed to light up his entire face. Jimin was basically glowing. Something was up.

''Hey, guys.'' Peering up she watched as Taehyung plopped down in the booth next to Jimin, brushing his hair back from his face.

Instead of his usual leather jacket, the boy was wearing a windbreaker in white and black and his hair was messier than usual and a bit damp. He looked nice.

''Hey man, you're here!'' Jimin jumped in his seat, looking at the boy with the widest grin, making Taehyung furrow his brows at the other's excitement.

''What's up with you?'' he muttered, looking over his friend carefully. Chaeyoung chuckled, leaning her cheek against her palm.

''He's been jumping up and down since we got here. Will you finally tell us what's going on?'' she pried, scooting closer in her seat to look at the boy intently with an encouraging smile.

''You guys won't believe this,'' laughed Jimin, his eyes twinkling happily in the warm light of the diner.

''Just tell us already!'' groaned Chaeyoung, rolling her eyes playfully. She couldn't help but be happy for Jimin's enthusiastic mood, he deserved the happiness, for whatever reason it was there.

However, the next words weren't anything near what she was expecting.

''Me and Jennie are dating!''

There was a short silence between the three, filled with surprise and bewilderment. Chaeyoung gaped at Jimin in awe, not sure what to say or how to react. Or how to feel.

Was she supposed to be broken? Devastated? She was, wasn't she? Then why...didn't she feel that way?

''Wait what? Really?'' she finally managed to sputter, gaping at him like a fish out of the sea.

''I know right?! Isn't that amazing? I finally managed to pull someone! And such a beautiful girl too!'' Chayeoung felt a wide grin splitting her face.

She was happy for him. Genuinely happy for him for he found a girl that made him this joyful. It wasn't her. It wasn't Chaeyoung but she didn't mind. In fact, she wasn't sure whether she could really ever be that someone for Jimin.

''That's so great Jimin, oh my God! I'm so happy for you!'' she cheered excitedly, jumping in her seat.

Yet apparently, Jimin's other friend wasn't feeling as ecstatic as she was.

''I will be right back.'' The two friends watched as Taehyung stood up from his seat abruptly with a little cold mutter, storming off towards the toilets.

Frowning, Jimin turned towards Chaeyoung who was looking towards Taehyung's retreating form thoughtfully.

''What's up with him?'' asked Jimin, making her shrug before she tore her sight away from the corridor where toilets were located.

''Maybe he's not feeling well?'' proposed Chaeyoung, staring at the table in front of her with a small frown.

Unlike her, Taehyung still didn't get over his feelings for Jimin. And for some reason, it bothered her. For a completely different reason than it used to in fact.

''Maybe you should go after him.'' Startled, she looked up at Jimin in bewilderment.

''What? Me?''

''Yes. You, Chae.''

''But you're his friend!''

''And you're his soulmate.'' This silenced her for a moment. She watched her friend in doubt before shaking her head.

''I told you already, he doesn't like me very much.''

''That's a bull.'' Frowning she glanced at him again.

''Jimin, I told you already, he d-''

''I know Taehyung better than anyone else. Trust me when I tell you this, he doesn't hate you. Hell, the guy even fancies you.'' Chaeyoung snorted at that, looking away.

''He sure has an odd way of showing that,'' she muttered under her nose, but her friend heard her.

''I know. Tae's complicated. But when he doesn't like someone, he wouldn't give them a single second of his day.''

''He only bears with me for your sake Chim.''

''He might have at the beginning, but I would put my hand into the fire saying that has changed Chae. I know my friend and I know you too. Since the beginning, I knew you two didn't get along but I knew you wouldn't even before I introduced you two. Taehyung's simply like that. But things have changed, I know they have. He lets you pick on him, he bickers with you, he laughs with you.'' Biting her lip, she watched Jimin in silence, not knowing what to say. The boy leaned closer to her across the table, ''And whatever he's trying to tell himself, he can not hide it either. He grew to adore you. And it's time you both start to realize that,'' he smiled softly, leaning back in his seat. With a swift jerk of his head, he motioned to the toilets. ''Now go.''

And she went.

And she went

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