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Finally feeling calmer she rubbed at her teary face, heaving a sigh

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Finally feeling calmer she rubbed at her teary face, heaving a sigh.

She was sitting at one of the benches near the edge of the clearing, people walking around ignoring her presence altogether. But she was thankful for that.

She felt stupid for lashing out like that. What was he going to think of her now?

She didn't want him to find out about her issues. He would only have more things to mock her about, more resources to make her life a living hell. And as much as she didn't care about what he thought about her, the sole thought of him knowing made her stomach clench.

Sighing, she gathered herself before standing up from the bench, heading back for the food tent with a heavy heart.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her elbow harshly, making her turn around startled.

''I knew it was you!'' Chaeyoung's face paled as she recognized the guy from the public laundry.

''Let go of me,'' she hissed, trying to pull her arm away from him but he held her tightly, a sick grin adorning his thin, chapped lips.

''Oh, but what's the rush?'' hastily she looked around but no one seemed to be bothered by the little scene, the people around them walking without glancing their way.

''I need to go,'' she whispered shakily, trying to tug her arm once again, but his hold was too strong, ''let me go!''

''We would just like to talk, baby. Get to know you better.''


Widening her eyes, she only now noticed that the rest of his friends were standing not far away, looking at her with disturbing smirks.

''How do you know Taehyung?'' he asked, making her frown in the middle of her distress.


''Kim Taehyung. How do you know him?''

''That is none of your business!'' she seethed and stomped on his foot harshly, making the guy howl in pain. Seeing the opportunity she tugged herself away from him, ready to run off but the rest of the guys cornered her.

''You little bitch!''

Before the angry guy could storm at her, someone grabbed her wrist before pulling her away, making her run.

Looking up, she watched as Taehyung ran in front of her, her wrist in his tight hold as they turned many corners around the little stalls.


''Just fucking run!'' willing her legs to run faster she turned around, seeing that the group of guys was chasing after them.

They continued to run across the thick crowds, few people giving them scowls as they bumped into them, but that was the last of Chaeyoung's worries, knowing the group of Taehyung's scary 'friends' was right in their heels.

After few more minutes of running, Taehyung rushed them into a little storage tent just behind the huge food court. Quickly, the two squeezed into the little area, breathing heavily.

Feeling like her knees were gonna give out, she held onto Taehyung's shirt tightly as he held her shoulders.

''Where the fuck did they go?'' Chaeyoung froze at the growl just outside of the tent, making her gulp.

''That bloody bastard, I will kill him once I see him on Monday.'' Staying silent, the two listened as their steps faded away. Once Caheyoung was sure they were gone, she slid down to the ground, breathing heavily.

''Holy moly, that's the most I've run in years,'' she muttered, holding onto her throat as she tried to calm herself down.

''Tell me about it,'' chuckled Taehyung, leaning his hands against his knees.

The two looked at each other before smiling, soon bursting into a fit of chuckles.

''You should have seen your face of panic, it was hilarious,'' chuckled Chaeyoung and Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

''Look who's talking, I thought you were gonna pee yourself.''

''Hey!'' she frowned at him, making him snicker under his nose.

Heaving a breath she peeked outside, it seemed they were safe.

''Who are those guys anyway?'' she asked, peering up at Taehyung.

His face immediately hardened as he straightened up.

''Just some guys from my school.''

''Why do they hate you so much?'' she frowned, looking back outside.

''Not your fucking problem,'' he seethed and Chaeyoung looked back at him, sighing.

And he's back.

''Right. Let's go find Jimin.''

With that the two left the small tent, searching for their friend in awkward silence.

As they walked, Chaeyoung couldn't help but ponder about Taehyung's relationship with the group of guys.

It was more than clear to her that Taehyung was anything but a goodie-two-shoes and he most likely got in trouble a lot. But to the point that such a scary group of guys was on the hunt for his neck? And they even tried to do whatever in the hell it was to her too.

Back at the food tent, they spotted Jimin sitting by their table, playing on his phone.

''There you are!'' he called, smiling their way.

The two nodded silently before sitting down.

''Are you alright now Chae?'' she frowned at Jimin.


''I told him you needed to get some fresh air outside,'' said Taehyung, making her look at him silently before she nodded.

''Oh yeah, I'm better now.'' she smiled tightly, looking away from the two.

'' she smiled tightly, looking away from the two

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