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After we calm down and get dress I knew I either have to survive the training or end Sara for good. I chose the first one and when Brandon pulls me to his chest holding me. I knew I would do anything to be with him.

"Mine." Brandon whispers into my ear.

"Yes and your mine."

Brandon nods and moves my hair to the right side only to start kissing the back of my neck.

"One day all of them will be bowing down to you. I just can not loose you ever." Brandon says starting to shift.

I turned around to face Brandon and peck his lips.

"Neither can I."

"I love you Angie!" Brandon says then pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

Once we break apart for air I look into his eyes.

"I love you too Brandon!"

We start kissing again which leads to us mating again, but this time we take it slow to enjoy each other's body.

After we mate we stay in bed cuddling while we hold onto each other like if we loosen our tight grip we would lose each other forever. We stay like that for four hours until we both needed to use the restroom. After we did our business and washed up we headed to the kitchen and ate with the rest of our pack.

"So how are you guys going to be tomorrow since we have school?" Jacklin asks.

"We will just have to survive and it would be great practice for when I have to start training."

Brandon grabs me and holds me onto his lap inhaling by my neck.

"So they are forcing you to train even though it was Sara's fault?" Becky asks.

"Yes, but I will do anything to be with Brandon."

Brandon pecks my neck smiling.

"You know there is a loop hole?" Jacklin says.

This got Brandon's attention.

"What is it?" Brandon asks like he was demanding to know.

"Angie will just have to get pregnant before the training starts. Once it is confirmed she is pregnant the training will prolong. Until it is confirmed that the baby is the next heir by blood and it is a healthy baby boy." Jacklin says like it is common knowledge.

"How do you know this? We have been trying to find a loop hole." Brandon asks holding onto me tighter.

Even though his hold onto me is really tight I only feel the effects of our mate bond.

"You remember when I went to the camp to become a protector in waiting?" Jacklin asks.


"The one class was teaching us about the laws and loop holes that can be used if it is not the Royal's or the Royal's Erasthai fault." Jacklin says.

"So we only need to get pregnant?"

Once I said that I felt Brandon getting hard again.

"Yes, but it has to be a boy or the training will continue if the other side still wishes to continue." Jacklin says.

Brandon gets up carrying me back to our room in a flash. Once there I see the door is replaced and Brandon opens the door. Once we are on the bed he does not waist anytime. He rips our clothes of and starts pampering his mark on me with kisses.


I try to push his off somewhat to stop, but it only makes him more determined.

"Brandon please!"

I try again, but it only made him hold me closer and start grinding making him get harder.


He stops and looks into my eyes.

"I do not want it to be like this just so we can lesson the chance of us loosing each other."

He whips my tears, but does not move off of me.

"I understand it is not ideal, but I can not risk loosing you. I love you so much!" Brandon says.

"Then our baby would been created out of fear rather than pure love."

"What do you want me to do? I can not loose you and I would do anything to keep us together like we are suppose to be. Even you said you would do anything to keep us together. And our baby will be created out of love since we love each other so much we can not loose each other." Brandon says.

"I only want us to make love and mate out of only love not out of trying not to risk us loosing each other."

"So you rather train than try to have a boy?" Brandon asks.

"I do want to have many kids with you, but not like this in this bad situation."

"Fine!" Brandon says and gets off of me.

He does not stop though. He walks into the bathroom and locks the door only coming out to walk out of the room not even looking at me once. So I got up and got on my dress then walked out to go find him. Once I am fully dressed I search the whole house to come up empty handed so I search the beach. There he was sitting on the sand with his head in his knees. I walked up to him and sat down next to him.

"Brandon I love you, but I do not want you to regret getting me pregnant this soon just to keep us together. What if it is a girl are we just going to repeat this decision until we have a boy? I do not want them to be looked down on if we do this. I know you love me like I love you and that is what is driving this choice you are making."

Brandon looks at me tears in his eyes.

"I can not loose you." Brandon says before pulling me onto his lap.

We hold each other not letting go.

"Neither can I, but their is no guarantee that we have a boy."

"I know, but I would at least try and if it did not happen then I would let you choice to what to do next." Brandon says.

"Brandon I love you!"

"I love you too Angie!" Brandon says.

Then our moment is ruined by his grandfather walking out of the house and then separating us.

My soulmate is the mafia Godfathers son (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now