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I throw away my today's third coffee's plastic cup in a trashcan before walking into Professor Wright's classroom. 8 AM classes should be illegal, or at least there shouldn't be any classes afterwards, because even after consuming that much caffeine I still feel my brain is exhausted.

Unlike the entire semester, I settle on one of the front row seats. My heart hammers in my chest, today is the day I have to show him how serious I am. I check the time, 12:45, I still fifteen minutes left before the class starts, so I busy myself with taking out my notebook and pens. Then I place them neatly on the small desk.

Anushka walks in and her eyes widen when she spots me. "Hey," she smiles as she approaches me. Her navy-blue shirt reaches her midthigh while she holds a jacket in one hand and her bag in the other.

I wave at her.

"What's up with you? Is this place taken by the way?" she points to the seat next to me and I shake my head.

She sits down and moves her long braid over her shoulder. I watch her with a smile. I've always loved her raven black hair and how impossibly thick it is.

She turns to me, her brown eyes glint as she raises her eyebrows at me. "So?"

"I want to pass this class... I gotta be more active in class and thought sitting here might help me."

She laughs. "I think these first-row seats are enchanted, the moment you sit on one of them, you automatically become more active."

I giggle and agree.

A guy walks in and passes us, sitting a few rows behind us. Anushka leans into me, and I note the minimal makeup she has applied that matches perfectly with her brown skin. "What did Wright tell you that day when he told you to go to his office?"

"He said I'm failing," I whisper back.

Surprised she backs away, dips her chin, her eyes going round, as if asking, 'for real?'

I sigh and nod.

She looks ahead at the board. "Damn," she mumbles. "I think we're all failing though."

"Yeah, he said that too."

This time Anushka jumps as she turns to me. "Are you serious."


"It's his fault! He keeps acting like his course is the only class we have this semester!" she exclaim, throwing her hands up and then crosses them in front of her chest.

"There's nothing we can do now, Professor Yang retired last semester." I rest my head on my hand.

"Oh God, I just hope we pass this class and not have to see Wright again."

I nod in agreement. An image of Professor Wright sitting behind his desk in his office pops up in my mind. There's so much more to this man. Anyone I know or talk to has only seen a small yet different version of him. I wonder who he truly is.

I straighten up and shake my head. What the hell! Why would I care who he really is and what he's like.

He's my professor, for crying out loud!

I bite my bottom lip and contemplate the matter. Technically, knowing him better will help me proceed faster with my plan. Narrowing my eyes I stare at the small crack under the board before us. And maybe my brain unconsciously knew that so it wondered of figuring him out as a whole.

That makes sense.

I don't get a chance to ponder over it for one more second, thanks to Ashely's screeching voice. "What is wrong with you two! We never do front row!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now