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I take notes of the class as though my life depends on it. It's the only way I can get myself to stop ogling Professor Spencer Wright as he sports a light blue shirt with jeans today. The corded muscles of his forearm flick as he writes on the board. 

Having spent the entire night reading the book he gave me, while every five seconds I indulged in breathing in his intoxicating scent that lingered in between the pages are not helping with my little problem.

The problem of my insane attraction to my crazy hot professor.

Even thinking about it feels wrong. Yet planning on innocently seducing him is not that right either, but I've given up all hopes of being good. I need that solution to be published and I need Wright for it.

I watch him intently, trying to focus on what he's teaching rather than the way his full lips move. It's preposterous how much I missed Wright during the days I was mad at him... and hurting.

A quick glance at my wristwatch shows less than thirty minutes are left from class. As if on cue, a loud knock on the door makes Wright stop and turn. A beat later, the door opens and my jaw hits the floor as I take in the person standing in the doorway.

The man I've known for almost a decade, Nathan's driver, wearing his usual black suit stands and scans the classroom.

Yet the most shocking part is not him, but rather the gigantic bouquet of roses and lilies in his hands.

I slide down my seat and press my palm to my cheek, as if I can hide from his view. Fuck fuck fuck.

His eyes fall on me, I offer a weak smile as he marches to me. I feel the entire class staring at me with surprise and intrigue. Anushka, Meilin, and Ashley smirk and wink at me with devilish grins.

Through my lashes I glance at Wright. His face is devoid of any emotions, blank as it can be, but his eyes. His glacial glare cuts me like a dagger.

I sense Brian shifting on my left and in this moment all I want is to disappear entirely.

Nathan's driver halts in front me and hands the bouquet to me. "Sir is waiting for you outside. He wants to meet you right now." Without another word he marches out. Murmurs from students sitting on seats behind me rise.

Speechless and stunned I look up and my eyes lock with Wright. He glares at me, his mouth pressed into a thin line.

"What is this?" Brian asks with annoyance. I lift a shoulder.

"It's so pretty," Ashley says.

"He said sir is waiting outside," Meilin points out and if we weren't in a classroom I would have smacked her.

Shuffles from behind me make me turn, as a few students hurry to windows and begin pointing something at each other. With an apologetic smile to Wright, I get to my feet, laying the flowers on my seat, and hurry to the window. My eyes almost fall out of their place.

Nathan has brought his silver Porsche on the campus ground, leaning to it with his arms crossed. As though he can see me from the ground, he keeps his gaze fixated on the same spot I'm standing, while a wide grin is plastered across his stupid face. Bastard.

More students move to the windows and I try to ignore their whispers about me.

"That's enough class," Wright's harsh voice cuts through the murmurs.

I turn to him, already heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Can I-" I start but he interjects sharply.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now