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The exams came rushing and crashing down on me. It was rough but the promise of being the last round of finals for my undergrad, kept me going. No matter how hard and tiresome those few weeks were. 

Two days ago my exams ended, so I believe it's safe to say it's done. In a matter of few weeks, all my grades will be submitted and I'll officially be considered as a graduate.

Although about thirty minutes ago, Spencer called and told me to hurry to university, he wants to talk to me as soon as possible. It's about something important and he can't wait until all his work is done on campus. So I'm rushing to college, and based on how excited he sounded behind the phone, it's not that hard to assume it's good news.

In the past few rough weeks of exams and the last two days that I've been considerably free, I have not been able to stop thinking about what I think I heard the night of my birthday.

Up until that night, I had been running away from the daunting L word with all my might. But if Spencer is truly in love with me... then I suppose there's nothing to be worried about. I can't get hurt over falling in love with someone who's already in love with me, right?

So I have been really thinking, weighting my thoughts and emotions, analyzing everything. Turns out, there wasn't much of a choice in the first place. I don't know when, or how, but I am in love with him too.

This singular thought has had me blushing and giggling like crazy each time it pops up in my head.

I'm ecstatic. Life is perfect. I'm graduating. In a few months, I'll be getting half a million dollars in my bank and I have a man who loves me.

Now the only concern remaining is, when is the right time to tell him?

I mull over the thought as I cross the campus ground and enter the maths building. As I climb up the stairs, suddenly it hits me. I was supposed to help Melody pick out her dress for today's meeting with the publishing house she has in an hour.

I curse under my breath as I go down the hallway leading to Spencer's office, though when I turn the knob, the door doesn't budge. I groan and lean to the wall, pulling out my phone, ready to call him to inform him of my arrival when Melody calls.

Answering right away, I start with apologizing profusely not even letting her get in a hi.

"Okay, shut up Rae, I really don't have that much."

I stop abruptly. "Sorry," I mumble.

"It's okay, why did you leave though? I told you I was on my way from Jack's house."

"I know, I'm sorry, Spencer called and I had to go... I'm in college now."

"Oh... why did he call?" she inquires and I roll my eyes.

"Weren't you saying you don't have time?" I bite my lip to stop my smile from growing.

I inch towards the wall a few paces away from Spencer's office door and gaze out the window. The campus is pretty much vacant save for the very few occasional students strolling here and there and even fewer staff members.

"I don't... but I can talk and do my make-up," she grumbles from the other end and I laugh.

"Don't overdo. Keep it natural."

"I know... so what did he want to talk about?"

I shrug and then remember she can't see me. "He didn't say." I run my finger on the cool windowpane, watching the bright blue sky and the shining sun as I lean my shoulder to the wall.

"Are you planning on telling him?" she asks softly and I frown.

"Tell him what?"

"You know... the entire planned seduction thing."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now