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I barely manage to sit still during the classes of the day and the workshop.

Even though my last night's mental breakdown can be considered embarrassing, I still can't help but be thrilled with the outcome.

Last night, after Spencer agreed to help me, he began ranting how I shouldn't be getting my hopes up because there's a very high and huge possibility that he's not equipped enough for this problem.

Of course, I didn't listen to him. Spencer Wright is one of the smartest human beings I've ever come across. He needs to work on his self-esteem.

Afterward, he continued telling me all the things he must do before we officially start.

My mood has been exceptionally good from the early morning I woke up today, Melody instantly caught on to it. She didn't entirely share my enthusiasm but she was sleepy enough to not break into a full-blown lecture of being careful and not to get myself into something I won't be able to handle.

As the workshop ends and Spencer leaves the lab, Anushka, Brian, and I are left packing our notes as other students file out of the room. From the corner of my eye, I notice Brian lingering, his eyes flitting to me every few seconds. The sixth sense in me gives an unnerving warning that it might be related to the date night I had to cut short after Spencer had called.

Anushka notices Brian's behavior too, but oblivious to my intentions, she winks at me and hurries out, leaving me along with him.

I offer a small smile as I zip up my bag and sling it over my shoulder. Side by side, we tread out of the lab.

"I was wondering if you're free this weekend?" Brian hesitantly asks.

I nibble my bottom lip as I mull over it. "Yeah, I am," I say eventually, although I have to come up with a way to show him, I'm not interested in taking our friendship to the next level. At least not as long as Spence Wright is in the picture.

He beams at me and we stop near the staircase. "Great, so we can go out together if that's okay with you."

The hope in his honey-colored eyes makes me feel like shit for knowing I'll soon be extinguishing it. But for now, I can play along, I just hope it doesn't make things harder for him.

I nod, agreeing and we decide to work on the details through text. Brian descends the stairs as I climb up, heading towards Spencer's office.

Unimaginable excitement hums throughout my body, I barely stop myself from bouncing to his room. By the time I reach it, he's standing in front of the library, his back facing me. I knock on the door and walk inside, shutting the door behind me.

Spencer doesn't bother to turn, already knowing it's me.

"I spoke with my postdoc adviser," he starts and turns to me, looking up from the book in his hand, flashing a marvelous smile at me that I can't help but return.

"He wasn't very thrilled with the idea of putting my research on hold, but he believes if we can truly pull this off, it'll be beyond worth it, obviously, but more because my research heavily relies on it and I already had to try to prove some part of Reimann for my research to work out." He shuts the book in his hand places it on the shelf.

"So we're good to officially start," I enthuse, grinning so wide my cheeks begin to hurt.

He runs his hand through his hair and pushes his other hand into his pocket, looking oddly uncomfortable. Fixing his gaze on the window, he continues, "I know this is important for you... it's a huge thing... but... I'm not so sure if we can actually solve it."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now