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Spencer didn't call that night. Nor the following day, or the day after that.

It's been an agonizing week. To say day and night my eyes have been glued to the screen of my phone is by no means an exaggeration.

I miss him terribly, but I'm hoping giving him space will make him realize he doesn't have to break things off with me.

Even though I know I'm wrong, I can't bring myself to accept that to some extent, I might not even deserve him.

I can't push out the image of his face, pained eyes searching my face for any sign that'd indicate I've not tricked him.

Now that I'm aware of the scale of his reaction, I won't by any means, ever risk telling him the truth. I also have to ensure none of the people who know the truth will ever spill anything to him. Accidentally or on purpose.

I blankly stare at the black screen of the TV, wondering what Spencer might be doing.

I constantly try to convince myself he won't be able to put the pieces together and figure out my initial agenda but it's been too long, and I'm certain if he by any chance has put his full focus on finding fault in me, there's a very high possibility he has understood it... and that's why he hasn't called me.

"You really need to snap out of it," Melody walks out of her room and plops down on the sofa next to me. "You know it was coming," she mumbles and leans her head to the backrest of the coach.

"No." I turn to glare at her.

"It's better that it ended now. You have your solution published, with your name under it. The money will probably be divided, and there isn't much emotion involved either. What else are you worried about?"

I groan. "I don't want things to end between us."

She quirks an eyebrow and straightens herself. "Are you saying, you were actually serious about him?"

Glumly I nod.

With a sigh, she shifts on her spot to face me. "Rae, be practical, you knew from the start nothing serious could ever happen between the two of you. It's better that it ended now, without your feelings being too much tangled."

"It changed Mel," I whine, throwing my hands up. "Everything changed when I got closer to him." I cross my legs and plant my elbows on them, dropping my head into my hands.

"A relationship built on deception is doomed to fail, Rae."

I lift my head enough to be able to shoot her a dirty glare. "Now is really not the time to flex your authorish words."

"But you know I'm right. For god's sake, you made a step-to-step plan on seducing him Rae, what else did you expect? And not to mention, after a while, it gets exhausting, constantly being worried someone might tell him or he somehow might end up finding it out."

"I am really not in the mood for being lectured Mel," I grumble and press the heels of my hands into my eyes.

She sighs and rests her hand on my shoulder. "Come on, me and Jack and a few of his friends are going out tonight, I don't want to leave you alone like this, come with us, it'll be fun." She gently nudges me and I shake my head.

"Not in the mood." Sitting up straight, I offer her a smile and when she's about to argue I add, "I didn't study much this week, the exams are close, I'll probably catch up with that and head to bed. But have fun."

Melody probably notices my resolve because she doesn't push me further and I'm grateful for that.

Soon she gets ready and with a final offer of joining them, and me declining it again, she parts from the house, leaving me alone.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now