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My words are all the encouragement he needs.

His soft lips meet mine in an achingly slow kiss. Every move is tender as he holds me tighter, pressing me into himself, even though I've kissed more than I care to count, this embrace and his kiss feel entirely different. At this moment, I'd willingly melt into him if only it was possible.

I relish the feeling of the soft waves of his hair between my greedy fingers as I move my other hand up to his neck. I savor every sense as the world outside evaporates.

I can't feel anything except him and his hands exploring me. I can't think about anything that isn't Spencer. I slide my hand from his hair to his neck and down to his chest, laying my palm over his heart. Surprisingly it's beating just as fast as mine, maybe even faster.

All of this just makes me want him more.

Not breaking the kiss, he slowly leads me somewhere or to something, I can't tell, not that I care as long as I'm pressed against him.

My back hits something cold and when he breaks the kiss to leave a trail of hot open-mouthed kisses down my neck I realize I'm against the kitchen island.

Excitement and anticipation hum inside me, fuelling my desire to have him closer and much much more.

His hand squeezes my backside firmly, making my insides burn for him as he gently sucks my neck. I arch my back and moan, my toes curling in my shoes as his tongue laps around the spot.

I perch my leg around him as his hand slips under my sweater, running his fingertips over my ribs and fondling my breasts. His other hand caresses my body from over my clothes before planting it on my thigh and tightly gripping me.

With his help I jump and land on the countertop, sitting on the edge. I wrap my legs around his defined torso, not wanting the tiniest space to remain between us. This time his lips meet mine in a rougher, hungrier kiss, making me moan in his mouth.

He presses himself between my legs, his hard member strains against his jeans, and pokes at my inner thigh, a pleasant pressure exciting me further, making me wetter than I already am. Every cell in my body is buzzing with excitement, I can feel it in my bones, this time things will go further than just kissing.

I splay my fingers over his cheeks as his palms run freely over every inch of my upper body, either from over my shirt or beneath it.

Our tongues glide and dance, his one hand clutches my backside, fingers digging into my soft flesh. At last, his other hand creeps beneath my skirt and slowly makes its way up, to the place it's aching for his attention.

My breathing grows heavier, the pressure already building up inside me, I lightly graze my nails down his neck, he groans in my mouth and pulls away, I whine in protest.

Ignoring me, Spencer rests his forehead on mine, panting just as hard as me. "Do you want me to stop?" he hoarsely asks.

"No," I moan and he smiles.

"If at any point you want me to stop, you'll tell me right away, okay?"

My heart flutters again. This man will drive me nuts. "Okay," I murmur against his lips. As if that will ever happen. But yet his careful and considerate behavior is doing weird things to my head and heart.

He pecks my lips softly and it takes everything in me not to grumble and complain at him to pick up his pace. I don't want him to tease me more because I'm at the point where I'll end up beginning if he changes his mind.

His hand slowly moves from my backside to the small of my back, pressing us together once more as he begins to kiss me ravenously while snaking his arm around my waist. I sigh in relief.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now