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The sound echoes and I frown. Why is it so familiar?

I jolt awake and groan as I turn to snooze the goddamned alarm of my phone. Hot and bothered, I prop myself on one elbow and glance at the time. Ten already! I fall back in the soft mattress and squeeze my eyes shut, pressing the heels of my palms over my eyelids.

Did I just have a freaking wet dream? With my professor in it! How the hell am I supposed to look at Wright now?

I am so screwed.

The images flood back into my mind, the feelings and sensations make my heart rate pick up yet again, and for my pathetic lady parts to throb and crave his touch.

I throw the duvet aside and hurry to the shower, running the ice-cold water, I stand underneath it to calm myself and my stupid hormones.

It never happened. I chant it in my head as I quickly scrub myself clean. As if it'll wash the images of the dream too.

I cannot understand my brain. It's either making stupid nightmares or this. Just chill for a fucking day, jeez!

And why did it have to be Wright, exactly on the night Brian kissed me? I wish it was him instead.

I shake my head and promise myself to not think about it, shoving the memory into a box in the farthest, darkest corner of my brain, in hopes of never opening it. It never happened.

I nod to myself as I return to my room and get dressed. Glancing at my phone, I catch an unread message from Brian.

With a smile I read the text, 'Wanna grab lunch on Saturday?'

I sigh and glance around. The reason why I didn't want to get involved with anyone. Squirming, I type no with multiple apologies, saying I have assignments to catch up with. It's not like I'm lying.

I scurf down my cereal before heading out.

Each step nearing the university, adds to the speed of my thundering heart. I wring my fingers, inhale and exhale slowly and do all the other things that are prone to calm down a racing heart and jittery nerves but as I cross the campus ground, it's all futile.

I reach the narrow hallway, the same with Wright's office at its end. With a quick glance, I realize I'm not on time. Cursing under my breath, I shake my head, and pull out the file I've printed from last night's research and hold it close to my chest.

I shut my eyes and focus on my breathing. Out of the ten topics I found last night, I made sure to have six of them revolving around the Reimann hypothesis. Now I have to hope he gets the clue and agrees to continue on this path. This is it.

I'm getting closer to what I've planned for the past three weeks.

I can do it. Like a confidence-boosting spell, I chant it in my head and tread to his office.

The door is half-open, and I peer inside, catching him sitting behind his desk, brows furrowed deeply and his mouth is set in a straight line.

Shakily, I suck in a breath and rub my palms on my thighs to get rid of the sweat. I push a lock of hair behind my ear, gather my courage, and knock.

His head snaps up, glacial dark blue eyes land on me, and my breath hitches. Not in a good way.

I resist the urge to spin and flee but instead, mask my worry with a small smile. Did the black suit guy show up again? Whatever the reason, Professor Wright is incandescent and I almost feel bad for myself that I have to put up with his pissy side.

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