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His head snaps back to me, his eyes wide. "What?"

"You heard me." I grin. He shakes his head and opens his mouth, ready to object, but I add, "Please."

"No," he snaps.

I throw my head back and whine, "Why?"

He glares at me and just before he gets the chance to talk, Savannah returns.

"Do you think I'm not your brother's type?" I ask her the moment she gets close to the booth.

She halts, confusion smearing over her features.

I point at Spencer. "I asked him to dance with me and he rejected me."

A smile breaks across her face.

Taking it as a good sign I add, "Your other brother is watching me and so is Liv, I need someone to get them jealous with and he's not helping me. And there's no one around except him for this work."

Savannah starts laughing and sits in the space between Spencer and me. As her laughter dies away, she lightly says, "I gotta warn you, no one has dared to dance with him, he's terrible." She giggles and I can't help but join her while Spencer glowers at us.

"I'm in real need."

She giggles and nudges Spencer. "Get up and be careful not to step on her feet."

When he doesn't budge, she pushes him harder, almost making him topple over the edge and we both burst into another fit of laughter.

Maybe we are a little drunk.

Glaring he gets to his feet. "You're unbelievable."

I throw my arm around Savannah in a side hug. "I owe you one. Thank you." I jump off from my seat and bounce to Spencer, grinning triumphally.

Even though he's still glaring at me, I grab his hand pull him out of the VIP area, while making sure both Olivia and Kristian see I'm leaving with him. I drag him to the dance floor, to the middle of it, between the sweaty and drunk people dancing the night away.

The music is much louder and his mood gets worse.

I pull him down to me, and near his ear explain, "No one can see us here."

He nods, and his arm snakes around my waist pressing me to him. "Was it really necessary to get me in the middle of this mess?" he says next to my ear, his warm breath tingling my skin.

"It has nothing to do with anyone, I just wanted to dance with you." I pull away from him slightly to grin up at him.

He purses his lips and shakes his head, his expression pinching with disapproval.

I roll my eyes and furl my fingers around the collar of his black button-up and pull him to myself. "No one knows us here, there's no risk," I say next to his ear and let go of his shirt, moving my palm down his arm guiding it around my waist.

He stares at me with exasperation.

I mouth, "Just one night," And watch him with wide pleading eyes.

Even though people around us are dancing and occasionally bumping into us, we stay still, but he doesn't retreat his hand from my waist, so I take it as a good sign and edge closer to him, enclosing my arms around his neck. I press my breasts to his chest and crane my neck, meeting his dark blue eyes.

In the purple and red flashing lights of the nightclub, he looks otherworldly handsome.

I smile softly at his hard face and tilt my head slightly, making him glare.

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