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He has rolled down the passenger seat's window and is leaning towards it. I can't see much of his expression thanks to the pouring rain but he loudly calls, "Stewart?"

I awkwardly wave at him and offer a small smile. He motions his hands towards himself.

I silently groan and get to my feet. My butt hurts and my legs are way too stiff and as I near his car, I realize I'm far past drenched. I probably look like a soaked mouse. Thank goodness I'm not wearing a white shirt.

I lean down to meet his worried dark blue eyes that appear black in this light and his wrinkled brow. "Professor."

"What were you doing?" he asks with disbelief. His left hand stays on the steering wheel and he pushes his glasses up with the other one before landing his elbow on the compartment between the passenger seat and the drivers' seat.

I glance back at where I was sitting and lift a shoulder as I turn to him. "Sitting."

He gives me an incredulous look before inhaling sharply. "Are you waiting for someone?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

"Get in the car, I'll drop you off."

"No, no, there's no need for that." I wave my hand and push aside a wet strand of hair sticking to my forehead.

"Stop being stubborn and just get inside."

"I'm really fine."

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Stewart, you'll get pneumonia and die. Will you get in the car now?"

I gape at him. Why is he being so dramatic!

I eye his car warily. And the expensive interior. "I'll ruin the cover," I mumble.

His grip tightens on the wheel. "Don't worry about that."

Hesitantly I nod. What's it with people and constantly offering me to give me a ride.

Ever since that day, I've avoided cars at all costs. It has either been walking or public transportations for me.

I gulp down the non-existent saliva in my mouth and timidly move my hand to the door handle, but the courage to even touch it vanishes.

The door clicks open and I glance up, catching a very irritated Wright watching me as pushes the door open and returns to his seat.

I inhale sharply and muster up all the courage left in me and climb in the car. I press my thighs together and keep my bag on them, making sure I take as little space as possible.

With a side glance in my way, he subtly shakes his head before pressing a few buttons and instantly warm air starts blowing and my seat warms up.

He leans into the backrest, looking straight ahead he asks, "Better?"

I nod and mumble a weak thank you, making him sigh and turn to me. "What was that?"

I shrug. "I was sitting."

"Under the freezing, pouring rain. Of course, because it's the most normal, standard thing for any college student to do."

I shift on my spot. "I like rain." Fidgeting with my fingers, I avoid looking at him directly.

He rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his hair. "Okay, your address?"

I rub my forehead and move aside the hair sticking to it. "I can't go to my apartment," I admit softly.

He frowns. "Did you actually lose your ho-"

I interrupt him, "No, no. it's just that..." my voice trails down. God, this is so stupid. "We can't open the door."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now