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"It's sad how in all these years, you didn't learn anything about me. The four of you betrayed me. You should know better than anyone else, if I go down, I pull everyone down with me. What happened? Now that I'm doing it to you, it's no longer hot or sexy?"

He recovers from the initial shock of the slap and moves to me, rage glimmering in his eyes.

"If you touch me one more time, I'll file a harassment case against you," I warn him as I try to move backward but my back hits the wall.

"I'd like to see you try," he snarls. Thrusting out his chest, his protruding eyes shoot daggers at me.

My breath hitches. I've seen Alex angry more than I can possibly count, but never this furious.

"I'll ruin you, Stewart." Alex reaches for my neck but a meaty hand wraps over his forearm.

"Back off dude." Brian pushes him away and I barely stop myself from facepalming. Men just cannot stay out of your business.

I don't need to watch how Alex's nostrils flare, or how his blue eyes widen. His lips curl and in a flash, his other hand flies, his fist hits Brian square on the jaw. He stumbles a few steps away and Alex moves to him.

Shouts and screams of others students erupt like a bomb.

"Oh my God, get the hell out of here Alex," I shout and place myself between the two boiling testosterone heaps and lay my palms flat on Alex's chest, trying to stop him from getting any closer to Brian and cause more damage than he already has.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice comes from my left as new students file into the corridor on my right.

My eyes land on Professor Morris, watching the three of us with wide eyes as he approaches us.

A flush creeps up my neck as I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. The only professor who I truly adored and who never failed to praise me stands on the other side, disapproval smeared over his face.

His usual kind dark brown eyes are now hard. I step away from the two idiots and clasp my hands in front of myself, dipping my chin.

Oblivious to a professor standing only a few paces away, Alex lunges for Brian, hitting his torso and Brian lands a fist on Alex's jaw and I just want to melt away into the ground as another sharp voice interrupts the guys.

"This is a university. Stop it, Young." Wright snaps, storming out of his classroom.

My cheeks flame up and I press my palm to my face as if I can hide from this disaster.

Brian abruptly stops, rubbing his jaw and wiping away the blood trickling down from his torn lip.

Alex huffs and fixes his shirt turning to me but before he can say anything, Professor Morris' deep voice rumbles in the now quiet hall. "I'm very disappointed. Is this how educated adults are supposed to solve their problems? And what's going on Gracie? What are you doing between them?"

I stare at him, my mind stays as empty as a blank sheet of paper. "I'm sorry professor," I mumble in a small voice.

Alex rolls his eyes and grabs my arm. "Come," he fumes.

"Don't touch her," Brian steps to us, ready for another round of punches.

"Fuck off asshole," Alex spits.

Brian holds his elbows away from his body, as though he's going to throw another punch.

"Enough," Wright's sharp voice cuts through the silence. He moves to us and I effectively avoid looking at him as I struggle to free myself from Alex's hold.

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