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For Christmas, I FaceTimed with Mom and Mason. They spent the first two weeks after Dad at aunt Nicole's place. But returned home eventually, although Mom has been hinting, she wants to change the house. I can't blame her though.

I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for both of them to be alone in that apartment. Even after my continuous suggestions to move to my flat, for at least the time Melody is back at her parents, they didn't agree.

I couldn't bring myself to visit them. I'm sure seeing Dad's empty armchair would have sent me spiraling down the little progress I've managed to make. I hope Mason and Mom understand me.

I gaze at the window as the snow falls heavier. So much has changed from last years' New Year's night. Alex, Everly, Olivia, Nathan, me, and few others drank our asses off halfway through the evening. Then we had to undergo the excruciating process of sobering up before heading to Times Square for the countdown.

Afterward, we headed to a club danced well past midnight, even then didn't stop. Hitting Nathan's dad's hotel and using the pools, continuing to be young and free almost till dawn. The next day I went to San Francisco to meet my parents and prepare myself for the grand party they were hosting. Mason proposed to his girlfriend, Caroline, that night.

Now Everly is having a baby with Alex. Caroline dumped Mason and Dad is no more. Such a shitty little world we have.

I had never spent a Christmas or New Year alone, but I suppose there's a first to everything.

I sigh and turn up the volume of the rom-com I'm watching, struggling and failing to focus on it. Stupid Netflix.

Ugh, I want ice cream.

I pause the movie and decide to start another one, then change my mind and go through my phone. A text from Mom, one from Nathan, and the third one is obviously from Brian. Not having anything better to do, I open my email, deciding to delete the ones I don't need any more along with the ads.

But the first mail, standing atop the rest, with the familiar address grips my attention right away and my heart pounds in my chest as I tab on it.

From: S P.Wright

Hope you're doing well. I've attached a few books I thought might be helpful once you start your research again. Don't take things too hard, we have plenty of time. If you needed to talk to someone, feel free to contact me, my number's at the bottom of the email.

Happy holidays, hope you have a good NY's eve

Take care.

Sincerely, Spencer P. Wright

My heart swells and I sit upright, the fuzzy blanket falls to my lap as I reread the email. Warmth floods me and I bite down my growing smile. Immediately, I copy his phone number and add him to my contact list. Unsure of whether he'll check his email tonight or not, I decide to text him instead.

Nerves jittering and giggling like a high school girl whose crush has noticed her, I resist the urge to start pacing the room as I type the message.

'Thank you. Hope you have a great holiday too.

Gracie M. Stewart'

I send the text and drop the phone next to me on the couch. A sigh escapes from me as I lean my head to the backrest and stare at the ceiling.

A minute later my phone pings and I retrieve it quickly. With a burst of excitement, I read the new message.

'Honestly I wasn't expecting you'd check your email. Shouldn't you be spending quality family time?

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