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Two weeks. For fourteen days straight Spencer Wright has been all that's in my mind. Twice a week I get to see him alone, and each time I make sure to use all the innocent seduction methods I found on the internet. I also noted the ones that affect him more than the rest and used them as much as I could without looking suspicious.

While we stood during these sessions, I touched his shoulder as he explained to me, or his arm, just above his elbow. Every time he froze, shuffled his feet before pulling on the mask of indifference over himself.

For two weeks I've been dedicatedly busy seducing my professor. It's a lie from my side if I say I'm not enjoying it. Not one second goes by that I don't relish in it.

How his cheeks tinted pink the three times in these two weeks I leaned over to pick something up and my breasts accidentally brushed his arm or chest. Or the times I move my hair away from my neck, trace my collarbone as I concentrate on something he explained, noting how his eyes follow every move, drinking every little curve and detail.

Mister closeted cutie, turns out to be not so much of sharp edges and strictly no emotions inside out. It's like he has a hidden kid inside of him that jumps out each time he discusses something complicated. The keyword is hidden. He rarely shows that side of him, but whenever he does, it leaves me in awe.

Like this Friday when he was explaining how Gauss came up with a method that later on Einstein used and based the entire theory of relativity's mathematics on that. And of course, the same topic led Reimann to come up with his phenomenon hypothesis. I couldn't stop myself from goggling him in an utter awestruck state for a solid fifteen minutes. 

The way his hands moved animatedly, trying to bring the equations to life for me, how his beautiful dark blue eyes shone, brightening up his handsome face.

I dare say I haven't seen anyone in all these years be passionate about anything the way he is about science.

And I can't say the sight didn't strike a string I didn't know existed in my heart.

He makes me feel equally good and shitty. For now and as long as I can prolong it, I'm going to stick to the better side, until I have no option but to face the dark side.

With a sharp inhale, to steady my racing heart I climb up the last stair leading to the floor Spencer Wright's office is located.

I bounce to his room, already excited for our today's session. I have decided to tell him I want to work and solve the Reimann hypothesis itself, and not analyze the papers that have been published for it.

But as I near his room, I hear a feminine voice speaking softly, almost seductively, so I slow down my pace, my eyebrows slightly furrowing.

I halt near his door, they're talking about something I have zero idea about, using words I can say are almost foreign to me. Like Maxwell's electromagnetic field and Einstein's metric field of gravitation, whatever those mean.

I peer inside and in instant, my blood boils.

Spencer is leaning to the edge of his desk, arms crossed, smiling at that girl standing in front of him who is not even trying to be discreet about ogling him, or at least that's what I think since I can't see her stupid face.

It took me a helluva of time and effort to get that smile from him. And he's just smiling away at her, looking at her intently. Just the way he looks at me when I share my thoughts over something.

Maybe I'm not that special for him after all.

The thought settles in me and leaves a sour taste in the back of my throat. The notion oddly hurts.

I survey the girl who is talking with ease, and matching his energy with whatever topic they're discussing, with each nod her candy red hair bounces.

The urge to gauge out the girl's eyes and throw her out of the window itches me. I grind my teeth as they move towards the other end of the room, out of my line of vision. I hear shuffling and fist my hands; the faint sound of a marker drawing on a whiteboard makes me see red for a beat. The same whiteboard he brought in his room for me so we could work on that instead of sitting behind his desk and struggling to see each other's notes.

I storm away, doubting my self-control on not marching in and picking out the thickest book in his bookshelves and smacking him with it.

Just as I reach the staircase, ready to stump away I halt.

What is wrong with me?

I frown and tilt my head to one side, letting my hand rest on the railing. Why am I so worked up about him being nice to another girl?

I take a step back and glance at the hallway. Jarringly, I realize I'm hurt, beyond the irritation and burning sensations in my chest, I am fucking hurt. And it does not make sense to me one bit.

I close my eyes and inhale deeply, calming my ragged breathing. Fine, I'm pissed that I had to work so hard to get on his good side... for some unexplainable reason, I also assumed only I get to see that side of him. Like it's specifically for me.

I was wrong. For all these months, I had been wrong. Maybe he genuinely dislikes me.

My throat tightens and my bottom lip quivers. Though none of this is making any sense. Since when did I start giving a shit about what other people think of me, as long as they are nice to my face and respect me?

I can't even bring myself to chant the lie I've been feeding myself lately, 'everything is for the solution'. It's not.

I want Spencer Wright to like me. I want to be special to him. But he keeps pushing me away, constantly being on high alert and reserved around me.

But not with that stupid red-headed girl. I mean come on, who colors her hair that red. And has he even noticed how she dresses? Ugh, her beige coat had a stain on the side that I could see from that distance and her hair looked like she hadn't combed in years. That's who he prefers over me? And choses to be nice to and smile at her like he knows her for years? Asshole.

His loss.

I flip my hair over my shoulder, muttering colorful curses at the girl I have yet to see her face.

I stomp back to his room and with a sharp intake of breath, I gather my bearings and plaster a small innocent smile as I knock on the door interrupting their discussion.

∞ ∞ ∞

Hehe someone's jealous XD

Tell me what you thought of this chapter =) Finally Gracie is admitting she's not doing all of this for the solution =)))

Okay, couple of news, yesterday I asked if you guys would be okay with daily updates (meaning adding Sundays too) and double updates, no one objected :) and since this is the longest I've stuck to writing one story and I'm itching to work on my other WIPs and start a couple of new stories [quite typical for me if you don't know me xD] I have done a little calculation and turns out, there are approximately 3 weeks of updates left! =D


We will have updates every single day of the week (and double updates if needed) therefore, hopefully this story will be marked complete by 17th September (yayyy!)

Okay that was my news (I'm ecstatic!) anyway, thank you so much if you've kept up with this story so far. Comment your thoughts, vote if you enjoyed, share this story if you think there are other people who might enjoy it.

Thanks again, next update is obviously tomorrow (we won't be having double updates until my exams are over :') )

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading <3

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