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With an uneasy laugh, I try to suppress the uncomfortable silence brewing between us as the entire class stares at us.

Ashely opens and closes her mouth. Anushka starts in high pitched voice, "Let's talk outside." And without waiting for my response, she bolts away, Meilin locks her arm with mine and pulls me along with herself as Ashely follows us. We stop a few paces away from the class' entrance.

"Okay," Anushka says, rubbing her hands together and shifts her weight from one foot to another.

Ashley scratches the side of her nose and Meilin pushes her silky black hair behind an ear.

"You're scaring me, why are you acting as if someone has died?"

The three of them force fake laughter, sharing glances with each other.

"Has someone died?" I ask with urgency.

"No, no." Ashley shakes her head and waves her hand.

My mouth goes dry and I nod. "Okay," I mumble.

"It's about Everly," Meilin says.

Even though we're no longer friends, or better said as she didn't want me around her, the burst of worry leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and my heart thuds in a sluggish way. I inhale sharply, preparing myself for the worst.

"She's pregnant," Anushka announces.

And I relax from the sudden relief, my tense muscles going back to normal. I roll my eyes. "Seriously, what's wrong with you guys! You scared the fuck out of me," I grumble and roll my eyes. Crossing my arms in front of my chest I say, "Good for her." I lift my shoulders with indifference.

"She did a photoshoot, it's all over these famous Instagram news accounts... She's over eight months pregnant." Ashley softly says, her blue eyes never moving from me.

Eight months? She got pregnant in March? I tilt my head to one side.

Hell broke loose on my family in the last week of May and the first half of June. I chew my lip and shrug. She must've known she was pregnant and didn't tell me... but why? We were still friends at that time. I frown and clutch my elbows. "I really don't care what she does."

They share an uneasy glance with each other and I furrow my brows further.

Anushka opens and closes her mouth until suddenly Meilin says, "She's pregnant with Alex's baby."

The ground slips from underneath me and I stagger. "What?" I quaver as I back away from the semi-circle of my friends.

"Gracie," Anushka says, taking a step to me.

"What do you mean with Alex's baby? There are so many guys named Alex out there." I shake my head.

"They did the photoshoot together, Rae. It's the same Alexander Ramirez, your ex." Meilin calmly says.

Ashley shoots her a glare. "We weren't supposed to tell her like that," she hisses.

A breathy laugh stumbles out of me and I hug myself. He got her pregnant eight months ago? But he dumped me only a month and a half ago.

My mouth hangs open as I vacantly stare at the far distance.

A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions consumes me until it all stops. Suddenly everything halts and disappears. The feelings, the thoughts, everything. I go numb.

"Gracie," Anushka's voice brings me back to reality as she wraps her arm around me.

"We wanted to be the ones to tell you, so you wouldn't be alone when you find out," Ashley says.

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