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All that matters to me is Spencer and I are together. The one week distance surely was like hell but truthfully, it had its perks. For instance, we've grown closer and he has been spoiling me with his tireless moves of showing his affection. On top of that, we had an explosive night after he showed up at my doorstep and took me back to his place.

Life is perfect once more.

I've been busy preparing for the exams, starting next week. The mathematicians have dropped in their opinion and so far, no one seems to be able to find any faults in the solution.

I stack my textbooks in one long pile before stretching my hands over my head and getting to my feet.

Treading to the kitchen, I can't help but regret last night mentioning to Spencer that today is my birthday.

He has been missing for the past four hours and it's about to get dark and I hate to be a baby but being in an all-black house alone at night is slightly scary.

Mom called a few hours ago, for my birthday, I took the opportunity to make her promise not to tell Spencer anything about the little discussion we had. Needless to say, she was not pleased and told me I have to find a way to tell him the truth before they give out the prize money. If I don't by then, she'll tell him the truth herself.

I hated the deal, but I agreed to it. Now, I just have to find a way to change her mind, but at least for now, the truth is hidden and till then, I'll come up with a plan. I have to.

I rummage around the refrigerator, hoping to find something to eat until he comes when the clinking of keys gives me a pause, and not a moment later the door opens.

"I was about to call you," I straighten and shut the fridge's door.

"Are you hungry?" he asks as he walks to the kitchen island, dropping his keys on the top.

"A little," I mumble and walk to him wrapping my arms around him.

Spencer kisses the top of my head, running his hand through my hair before saying, "Get ready, we're going out."

I pull away and frown at him. "Now?"

"Yeah, hurry, it's a long drive."

"But I wanted to spend today with you, alone." I pout and he flashes me a bright smile and bends down.

That's when I notice there's a shopping bag on the floor next to his feet. "I'm waiting," he says and hands me the bag, pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

"Thanks," I mumble, peeking inside the bag.

He nudges me a little and I roll my eyes but make my way to his bedroom.

Once inside, I pull out the black dress while I bite my lip as my lips spread into a smile.

Without wasting any time, I jump inside the bathroom and prepare myself, freshening up, putting on the dress, and adding makeup.

The dress is feminine yet sporty. It hugs my curves perfectly and it's comfortable. I gaze at my reflection, trying to see myself through his eyes, wondering what exactly made him pick out this particular dress... maybe it's the deep V neckline, the dress itself it's not that long either, barely reaching my knees, but at least it's long-sleeved. It's easy to remove too.

Heat rushes to my cheeks with that final thought and I shake my head and buckle its belt around my waist.

I walk out of the bathroom and look around for the pair of boots I've left behind in his place, just in case.

After fully ready, I saunter out of the room. Spencer is leaning to the kitchen island and his eyes light up once I come into his view. He has changed into dark grey trousers and a navy blue shirt, the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows.

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