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I used to believe my life before the bankruptcy was perfect. Of course, there were minor hiccups and complications, but that's life.

Turns out perfect comes in different types.

Once more, my life is perfect, just in a different way.

The past week has been seven days of bliss. Spencer and I have been together during the majority of our free time. He even dared to steal a few kisses while I was in his office.

Even the solution is coming together way better than I thought. He's been fixing and improving my ideas, aligning them with his and we're reaching close to a completed proof for Reimann hypothesis.

I even managed to come up with an excuse and tell Brian I've applied to universities that are not in this city, so it'd be better if we stayed friends, to not make the transition harder. He wasn't very pleased but had no other option except to accept.

The thick clouds settled across the sky don't seem to be planning on leaving any time soon, neither is the pouring rain seeming to ease down.

"Focus, Gracie." Spencer's voice startles me and I jump, turning to him.

Sheepishly I smile. "I think the rain is not going to stop anytime soon." I glance at the window.

He hums, agreeing. "I can drop you off," he offers.

I bite my bottom lip to stop my smile from growing. It's already late and we've been working on the solution none stop, but surprisingly we've been very productive today.

When I face him, his eyes are observing me, hesitantly he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. My heart races in my chest from this single gesture and his intense gaze.

"Or maybe we can go to my place... to avoid traffic." His voice is husky, sending ripples of desire through my body.

"I'd like that," I whisper, inching closer to him.

He smirks before leaning down and gently pressing his lips to mine, kissing me slowly and softly. Even though it's been an entire week he's been kissing me often, I still haven't got used to the rush of sensations and the fluttering of the butterflies.

Grinning, I pull away. "I think we've worked on this problem long enough. How about we call it a day?"

A playful smirk curls his lips and he grabs my waist, this time kissing me harder. I kiss him back before breaking free with a giggle and spinning on my heels to walk to my bag.

Not two steps away, a knock on the door makes both of us freeze and a beat later, one of the faculty members opens the door.

My heart hammers in my chest, my eyes widen for a split second, we were so close to getting caught. I glance behind my shoulder, finding Spencer's equally dumbstruck face, but we're both quick to recover. I quickly greet the man politely before packing my belongings and shoving them into my bag, hurrying out of the room. Spencer's voice carries out as he talks with the man as if nothing's happened about something regarding their classes.

Sitting on one of the chairs in the vacant hall, I wait for him to come. Meanwhile, I check my wristwatch, and similar to other nights, it's well past eight. That explains why the building is so empty.

The man was so close to catching us red-handed. Even though I know I should be afraid, I can't help my racing heart and the buzz of excitement, making my legs bounce. The thrill is undeniable, dizzyingly addictive.

The same faculty member who had entered Spencer's room, still chuckling as he holds his satchel tighter, descends the steps without a second glance in my way.

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