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Spencer's lips are soft and inviting, but I don't dare to move, instead, I just savor the beautiful feeling of having it against my own lips. 

He goes rigid.

For a long moment, we stay frozen.

Sense and logic trickle back into my head. The realization of how stupid and impulsive my action was, dawns on me and I jump back.

We stare at each other with wide eyes. Heat cripples up my neck to my cheeks.

Why the hell did I do that?

As much as I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole, I break free of my initial shock locking my limbs and spin on my heels.

In one swift motion, I pick up my bag on sling it over my shoulder. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Gracie," he hesitantly starts in a low voice but I ignore him and grab my coat.

"Gracie, wait," he says, this time stronger but I hug my coat to my chest, avoiding looking at him, and rush out of the room.

He calls after me but I don't stop as I run down the stairs while cursing myself in my head.

What got into me! What was I thinking?

Mentally I smack myself. I was not thinking.

Stupid stupid stupid.

I leave the campus ground and instead of taking the usual path to my flat, I decide to go round, if Spencer Wright decides to come after me, he won't be able to find me like this.

Shaking my head, I put on my coat as the frigid night air bites my skin. To say I'm embarrassed is an understatement. I am far beyond mortified.

If I could turn back time, I would have slapped myself the moment I moved in and pressed my lips to his.

I hug myself tighter as I hurry down the sidewalk. My cheeks are still burning from shame.

Playing games, building tension between us, and seducing him while doing all of it innocently is a completely different matter from the fuckery I just pulled off.

The images of our first kiss resurface in my mind and I shake my head to push it away. Back then I had tons of excuses for doing that.

But what about now?

I deeply inhale the cold air, pushing it into my lungs, letting it cool me down from inside.

Gradually my heartbeat returns to normal. The daze settled on my mind lifts up allowing me to see clearer.

Did I get jealous?

I nibble my bottom lip. Never in my life have I been jealous, at least not in this context. In fact, I've always been the confident type, not the one who gets insecure and jealous over other girls.

I cover my face with my hands as I groan. I'm so screwed.

With unsettling thoughts and realizations, I pick up my pace and try not to overthink the mess I've started. I bet Melody is going to give me one hell of a lecture once I tell her, saying she told me so and then, probably encouraging me to handle this mess like an adult.

By the time I near the block my apartment is placed on, my legs burn with exertion, but I don't slow down until the building comes into view.

Too late, I spot the black Benz parked across my building.

I curse under my breath and contemplate turning around and running off to somewhere, anywhere, but the door of the car swings open and steps out, Spencer Wright.

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