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Wright disappears behind a shelf of books, and I plop down on my seat, planting my elbow on the desk and rub my forehead.

The things I said were wrong, I never should have talked to him like that. I was pushing my luck way too hard but why didn't he lose his temper? I groan. He's so confusing. But as unacceptable as my behavior was, I feel better, not as numb as I was before Wright showed up.

I study my fingernails. Professor Spencer Wright... why do you have to be so complicated?

I sigh and shake my head, leaning into the chair, and stare at the window. The gathering grey clouds darken the area I'm sitting.

I'm tempted to call Everly, to find out her reasons and for how long had they been sleeping with each other behind my back, but I hold myself. I doubt she'll even answer my call. And if she doesn't, I'll be crushed, therefore I rather not try.

I take out my phone and open Instagram.

Ashely was right, all these famous accounts, like vogue and whatnot, have her picture posted. Not that I'm surprised, Everly loved doing photoshoots. Looks like some things never change.

I scroll until I find a picture of both of them. Everly's wearing a white dress, her golden hair tumbling down her shoulders, and her hand is pressed underneath her belly to emphasize its size. Alex has placed his palm on her shoulder, she's looking down while he's beaming.

I scowl at my screen. My eyes widen when I read the caption under the post. 'Celebrating the collaborating of two of the biggest companies with a ring and a baby, click the link in the bio to find out more.' I narrow my eyes. Against my better judgment, I press on the username and tap on the link.

A new page opens and I scan the page, details of their engagement ceremony taking place right after the baby shower with multiple pictures stun me.

They're getting married!

I shut my phone and slam it on the table.

You've gotta be fucking shitting me.

I press the heels of my palms to my eyes until those weird white shapes appear.

I try to cry to let go of this building tension in me but I fail. The betrayal stings way worse than I expected. Being tossed aside, the fact that they're living their normal, lavishing, lives as if nothing has happened hurts.

But the truth is, nothing happened to any of them. It was only us.

My insides crumble, I hate Benjamin Stewart. I despise him. And one day, I will make him pay ten folds over for what he did to us.

I get to my feet and start looking around for a book. Eventually finding an art book, I pull it out and spend a while staring at the pictures in it.

The pitter-patter of rain hitting the windowpane makes me sigh and slide the book back in its place.

I sling my backpack over one shoulder and amble out of the library. By the time I'm near the entrance of the building, the rain has stopped and I smile to myself. Maybe today's not that bad anyway.

I cross the campus ground and note the couples holding hands, multiple groups of girls scattered around the place are giggling. I clutch the strap of my bag tighter as my heart clenches.

Everly is getting married.

Memories of the times, Everly, Olivia, and I used to breeze through magazines, talk about our magical weddings, the dresses we'd wear, the destinations, even the flowers we'd use. My chest caves and I drag my feet on the ground as my shoulders slump.

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