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We step into my apartment. I flip the lights on and he moves inside, taking off his black coat and drapes it on the nearest chair, behind the small dining table.

My heart hammers in my chest. The last thing I expected was for him to kiss me first, and I can't lie and claim it didn't feel fantastic.

I take off my coat and drop it on the sofa and opt to stay there, keeping at least a few feet distance between us as I press my back to the wall and avoid meeting his gaze.

"Can I know what's happening?"

I shove my hands into my pockets and lift a shoulder. "I can ask the same thing."

"I'll tell if you do," he offers and I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"There's nothing to say." I stare at the black screen of the TV.

"Can you at least look at me?"

I lick my bottom lip before pressing it into a thin line and drop my gaze to my shoes. "I told you I wasn't thinking," I mumble, heat rushes to my cheeks.

He sighs and from the corner of my eye, I watch his black shoes nearing me in long strides.

"I don't believe you and neither are you putting up a convincing act." He stops in front of me. "So?" he inquires.

Hesitantly I look up, our eyes lock. Why is it so hard to think of lies and excuses when he's so close to me and looking at me like that? He watches me like he can dig deep into my brain, that he can decipher every single thought and emotion and see into my bare soul.

I gulp and straighten myself, settling with a softer version of the truth. "I got annoyed... a little mad..." my voice trails down and I shuffle my feet.

The intensity of his scrutinizing intensifies. I inhale sharply and go on, "You were treating her so nicely," I pause to glare at him for a moment, noting his confusion, which only frustrates me even more. "I had to work my ass to get on your good side, to prove myself to you, but you were being nice to her for no damn reason... only because she's going after a tough topic... I'm aggrieved, you're being unfair to me." I cross my arms in front of my chest and glower at the window on our left.

From the corner of my eye, I study his expression. First, he tilts his head to one side, furrowing his brows with confusion, then a corner of his lips twitches upwards. "You got jealous of her?"

The amusement lacing his voice for a wild moment tempts me to smack him, but I suppress the urge and go with glaring at him.

"I'm pointing out how unjust you've treated me and that made me angry, and I don't think when I get angry."

He raises his eyebrows, dramatically nodding. "I see." A smirk arches his mouth. "That's it?" he drops his voice an octave, as if aware of how drastically it affects me.

I scowl. "Yes, but if you want, I can list off all the other things too. Like how unfairly strict you've always been with me-"

He plants his palm on the wall next to my head and interrupts me, "I got that part... I meant, is there anything else, beyond that perhaps you'd want to share?"

Only an inch between us, his warm breath fans over my face and I have to use my entire willpower not to close my eyes and sigh in contentment. Surrounded by his musky scent, I can't focus on anything other than him. His dark blue eyes, his full lips, sharp jawline, and high cheekbones.

Something in him has shifted, changed drastically, I can see it in his eyes, the way he's looking at me, the burning desire flickering in them. Spencer moves his other hand to my hair, tucking a stray strand behind my ear.

My breath hitches as my heart drums away in my chest. I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat, though I wouldn't be surprised if he can.

From behind my ear, he trails his fingertip along my jawline in a featherlight touch. Heat pools in my core, turning my insides into mush. I'm astonished my knees haven't given out yet. His fingertips leisurely draw down the length of my neck. I shudder slightly and his eyes darken with undeniable hunger.

It's impossible to think straight while being so close to him and under his burning gaze. Breathlessly I admit, "I wish I could change your mind, to make you stop thinking I'll always be your student."

It's as if that's all the encouragement he needs. The next beat, Spencer crashes his lips on mine. He tastes like peppermint and coffee.

His hand moves from my neck and cups my face, his long fingers reach the nape of my neck and tilt my head back while his other hand wraps around my waist, pulling our bodies together, molding his over mine.

I cling to him like my life depends on it. Tangling my fingers in his hair as I clutch his shoulder with my other hand.

Unlike the previous times, his lips don't move softly, instead, the kiss is firm and his lips move with more fervor, demanding and ravenous.

I dare to explore the strong muscles of his back while our tongues dance in fluidity as if we've done this a hundred times.

His hand trails down from my waist to the back of my thigh as he presses me to the wall. He cups the back of my thigh and brings it to his hip and presses himself into me.

I moan into his mouth from the increased friction, drawing my nails lightly down the back of his neck earning a satisfying shudder from him.

I feel him hardening as his hand slides from my hair to my chest and down, stroking and kneading my curves.

The clothes are an unnecessary barrier between our bodies. Just having his every hard muscle press against my soft parts isn't enough, I need to be closer to him, skin to skin. I can't have enough of him.

His large warm hand slips beneath my shirt, dragging his fingertips along my spine and I moan again, tugging his hair, pressing myself harder to him.

I need more.

If he rips away my clothes right now, I'll tear away his, and let him have his way with me, or maybe I'll have my way with him. I want him that bad.

Our hands are everywhere, our lips are sealed together, his hard member pressing into me is a delightful pressure and a pleasant reminder he wants me just as bad as I want him.

But Spencer pulls away as he gently lets go of the back of my thigh.

Our panting breaths mingle. I inhale his musky scent, gaze at his swollen lips. The sight is enough to push me over the little self-control I have and make me want to tackle him into another hot make-out session that will hopefully escalate to something more. But I don't and ferociously cling to the last string of my self-control.

With each rise and fall of his chest, he lightly brushes my breasts. His eyes are closed and he leans in again. I prepare myself for another kiss but instead, he rests his forehead on mine.

"I can't think straight when you're around, especially when you're this close," he murmurs and runs the pad of his thumb over my cheek and snakes his other arm around my waist.

I hold on to his bicep with one hand and to his shoulder with the other, unwilling to let him go just yet.

Tentatively I peck his lips. He softly kisses me back before stopping and sighing. "This is wrong," he mumbles in a hoarse voice.

∞ ∞ ∞

How much longer do you guys think Spencer will be able to stop things from escalating? Hehe he's the only one who's holding back, wonder how long that will last lol

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment your thoughts and vote if you enjoyed it.

The next chapter will be up tomorrow =)

Thank you for reading.

Lots of love, stay safe, happy reading! <3

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