BakuMina ( Yes, another one)

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Mina awoke suddenly, the urge to cry dancing in her eyes. She had a tummy ache, her head hurt, and her muscles hurt really bad.

She wiped the sweat sticking to her forehead and stood up. Big mistake. Her head spun and she fell back onto her bed with a whimper of pain.

Bakugo was making his way towards his little's dorm when he heard a soft thump. Worried, he hurriedly opened the door and scanned the room for immediate danger.

When he finished his once over, he heard the soft cries of his babygirl. He walked over to her bed and pulled the blankets back. She had pulled them over her head, as she usually does in the morning to block out the light.

" Good morning, sweetheart. What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing his thumb softly across her cheekbone. The girl whined and scooted her body closer to her caregiver's.

Bakugo was beginning to get very worried. Normally, his baby was excited to see him in the morning. Today being a Saturday, she should be extra excited. " Oh honey, are you not feeling good?" He softly asked, kissing her forehead to feel for a fever.

" Tummy hurts." She croaked, her tummy felt like it was doing backflips. She felt icky and she didn't like it.

" Aw you have a fever, piglet. Is it just your tummy that hurts?" She shook her head, she didn't have the energy to continue this conversation.

Bakugo noticed her fatigue, again, very unusual for his little alien. " Okay baby, can you point to what feels bad? Daddy needs to know so he can help make you feel all better." He began petting his little girl's hair, trying to keep it off of her face.

The girl pointed to her head, her tummy, and she tried to gesture to her muscles but she didn't know how. So instead she gave a weak " muscles too."

Bakugo nodded and bit the inside of his cheek, as he always does when he's thinking. " Alright, honey, Daddy will be right back. He has to go get a few things to make you feel better." Just as he started to stand from the bed, Mina yelled and grabbed his hand.

" No don leave, Daddy!" The poor girl was near tears. " Okay baby, alright. It's okay, pumpkin. I'm right here." He coaxed. He couldn't leave her like this.

So instead he decided to call Mina's babysitter. The phone rang twice before Sero picked up. " Yo Bakubro, what can I do ya for?" He asked enthusiastically.

" Pinky is sick, can you grab a few things for me? She doesn't want me to leave." He asked, praying he wasn't too busy too help him out.

" Oh no! Yes of course, text me a list of what you need and I'll be right up." The black haired boy felt horrible for the little. She never gets sick, but when she does it can get pretty ugly.

Bakugo let out a sigh of relief, glad he doesn't have to leave. " Thanks man, I'll send the list over. The door's unlocked so just come right in." Sero gave a simple " Okay." In return and they both hung up.

The blonde laid down next to his little and pulled her to his chest. Her face was nuzzled into his neck as she whimpered every once in a while. " I know baby, Daddy is so sorry you don't feel good. But you're being such a brave girl, I'm so proud of you!" He praised.

Not long after the two got settled, Sero invited himself into the room as he was previously instructed. " Hey honey, I got you some stuff to make you feel better." He said, setting the bag down next to the bed.

" Hi, RoRo." She whispered, she looked so sad and it broke Sero's heart. He hated seeing her sick.

" Thanks again, could you grab me a cold washcloth for her forehead? She's burning up." Sero nodded and dug through the bag for a second, finally grabbing the dry washcloth and wetting it in the restroom.

He handed the cloth to Bakugo and grabbed the bag and set it on the bed. " Okay, I have some medicine, some snacks, a sippy cup full of juice, and babygirl's favorite blanket. I'll grab her a paci from her drawer." He said, already walking to the dresser drawer where she keeps most of her little stuff.

He grabbed her favorite paci, the pink one with 'princess' written across the front. It also had little yellow gems covering most of it's face. He walked over to the bed and handed it to Bakugo. The blonde slipped it in her mouth and kissed her forehead.

" Okay dudes, I think that's all I can do for now. If you need anything else, I'll be in the common room, just call me. Bye bye, Pumpkin. Feel better so RoRo can come play with you later." He gave her a quick kiss to the temple and walked out of the dorm.

" Alright Piglet, let's get you something to make your tummy feel better." He said, reaching for the bag at the foot of the bed. He dug through it to find the medicine he was looking for, also grabbing the sippy cup of juice in the process.

He measured out the medicine to give to his baby and helped her sit up. " Okay Princess, I need you to take this for me, okay? It'll make you feel better." To his surprise, she didn't even try to fight him. She wordlessly opened her mouth and took the liquid.

" Good job, daddy is so proud of you!" Mina smiled at the praise and nuzzled her face back into his neck. She hadn't spoken a word since Sero left. The quiet was quite unsettling for Bakugo so he decided to turn on a movie.

He took Mina's laptop from beside her bed and turned on Mulan, her favorite. The little noticed the movie and turned to watch it. " Do you think  you can try and eat something for me, baby?" The blonde asked, petting her hair.

Mina nodded and sifted through the bag to see what was available to her. She pulled out a bag of goldfish and handed it to her caregiver. " Good choice, pumpkin." He said, opening the bag. He placed the open bag in front of her and handed her the sippy cup.

The two happily munched on goldfish and watched movies for the next couple hours. Mina eventually fell asleep in Bakugo's arms, the blonde doing the same shortly after. They felt safe and happy cuddled into one another.

Bakugo, being as close to Mina as he was, got sick the next day. This time, it was Mina's turn to look after her baby. 💛

A/N: Hi everyone! So sorry this took so long to come out, I've had a small case of writer's block but I'm trying my best to keep the updates coming! Thank you for reading!

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