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A/N: Hi lovelies! So sorry I haven’t updated this one in so long! But I’m hoping this makes up for it. 

Requested by: ur_step_dad


    “ Alright class, pencils down. Your time is up. Make sure your name is on your test and bring it to me, once you’ve done that, you’re free to go.” Katsuki shakily finished off his last question and double-checked that his name was neatly written across the top of his paper and slipped it into the turn-in folder on Aizawa’s desk. 

    He gathered his things and left for his dorm without a single word to anyone. Which was surprising. Usually, after a test, he’s telling everyone how easy it was and how he definitely got the highest grade in the class. But this time he didn’t feel so good about it. He’d forgotten to study until that morning and he had to rely on what he’d already learned in class. 

    Tenya was the first to notice Katsuki’s uncharacteristic behavior. And being his boyfriend and caregiver, it was his responsibility to see what was the matter. So he quickly finished packing his bag and followed after the blond. 


    When Katsuki arrived safely at his dorm, Tenya decided it was best that he wait and give him a few minutes to calm down before he entered. No one else was in the dorm building, they’d all decided to spend their Friday night at the mall, leaving the couple behind. They hardly noticed their absence and Tenya preferred it that way. That meant they wouldn’t bother them.

    A few minutes had passed and Tenya decided he couldn’t leave his partner unattended any longer. He stepped up to the door, listening in a little before he knocked. To his surprise, he heard soft sobs coming from the other side. Typically, Katsuki didn’t cry if not regressed so that was a telltale sign that he’d be in caregiver mode for the rest of the evening. 

    He quietly knocked on the door, so as not to scare the boy. He only entered when he heard a gentle “come in.” Katsuki was a surprisingly quiet and soft little, not at all what one would expect from him based on his older self. 

    Tenya opened the door and slowly peeked his head past it. “ Hi, little one. Can daddy come in and give you hugs?” He asked, already stepping into the room. Katsuki nodded and reached his arms out, still crying. Of course, Tenya went straight to him and picked him up. Katsuki instantly melted into his partner's hold, feeling safer with him. 

    “ You wanna tell me what happened, baby boy? What’s got my baby so sad, hm?” Katsuki looked up from Tenya’s shoulder where his head had rested. He sniffled, Tenya giving him a kiss on his cheek to encourage him to talk. 

    “ I… I do bad on test!” He sobbed, dropping his head back down on Tenya’s shoulder. The caregiver cooed, rocking him back and forth and giving him feather-like kisses on his head and face. 

    He made his way to the bed and sat them both down, his back against the wall while Katsuki was held in his lap. He nudged the blond, trying to remove him from his hiding spot but Katsuki wouldn’t budge, whining with every attempted movement. 

    “ Shh, baby, it’s ok. It happens to everyone. Even daddy. But we can’t let it ruin our day. How can daddy help you feel less sad?” Katsuki quieted, lifting his head after only a moment. 

    “ Can go to store and look at stuffies?” Tenya chuckled at the question. Katsuki usually liked to do that but the question was typically more along the lines of  ‘we go to store and daddy buy me stuffie?’ It was never just looking. 

    “ Of course, bug. But first, let’s get you into some more comfortable clothes. Sound good?” Katsuki nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve. Tenya cringed a little at the action but decided it wasn’t worth a scolding. He kissed the boy a few more times before getting up, earning him some happy giggles. 


    After Katsuki was dressed and packed up for their outing, they made their way out the door and began the short walk to the nearby store. As they walked, Katsuki held tight to his caregiver’s hand and mumbled about the other, better parts of his day. Tenya offered little words and phrases of interest, happy to see his baby feeling a little better. 

    They made it to the store and Katsuki let go of Tenya’s hand, bolting to the back where he knew the exact location of the stuffies. Tenya ran after him, doing his best not to lose him. Of course, he caught up to him, but he wasn’t very happy about Katsuki running off like that. “ Baby, come here, please.” He said calmly, trying not to make the blond nervous. 

    Katsuki waddled over, looking at him with curious eyes. “ Sweetheart, you can’t run off like that, it’s not safe. Daddy could’ve lost you and we don’t want that to happen, right?” The little shook his head, going to hug his caregiver tightly around the waist. 

    “ Sowwy daddy, jus ecited.” Tenya rubbed his back, returning the embrace. He wasn’t upset with the boy, he was just a little worried and had to be sure that he knew that what he did wasn’t safe. 

    “ That’s ok, little one. Thank you for apologizing, such a good boy using his manners. Now, what stuffie would you like, darling?” He asked, not expecting the squeal of excitement that Katsuki gave in return. 
    He gave his caregiver one last good squeeze and pulled away, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the Squishmallows. He’d had his eye on one for a little while, wanting to save it for a time like this where he needed a pick-me-up. 

    He picked the stuffed animal up, showing it to his caregiver. “ Is this the one you want?” Katsuki nodded his head so hard that Tenya was sure he’d get whiplash. His excitement was adorable, it was clear that he’d forgotten about the test from earlier. 

    “ Alright then, this one it is. Anything else? I think you deserve a little extra treat for working so hard this week.” Katsuki froze, there was no other way to express his happiness. A smile slowly crept up onto his face, breaking him from his trance. 

    He nodded and bounced away going further down the aisle. “ Dis one too!” He said, holding up yet another Squishmallow that he’d been wanting. Of course, the caregiver nodded his affirmations. Who was Tenya to deny his baby of joy? He would never do such a thing. 

    “ Alright, little one. I think it’s time we get you into the bath and to bed.” Tenya said, walking in the door. He set the bags down next to Katsuki’s bed and attempted to put his little one down as well. 

    Keyword: attempted

    Katsuki tightened his grip on Tenya and whined into his neck. It’s pretty safe to assume that Katsuki was a little tired and didn’t want a bath. Just snuggles. 

    “ Ok ok, I’ll hold you for a while longer. Do you wanna snuggle?” Katsuki, of course, said yes. So with that, Tenya laid them both down on the bed and turned on a cartoon. 

    Before the theme music was over, Katsuki was out like a light. Tenya kissed the little’s forehead and shifted a little so they were both more comfortable. 

    ‘Yeah,’ Tenya thought, ‘A bath can wait until morning.’ 💛

A/N: Well I hope everyone enjoyed this! Now the most important question: What Squishmallows do you think Katsuki chose?

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