Platonic Aizawa x Todoroki

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Requested by: iwannawritelots

A/N: Hi everyone! I’m really excited to write this request as it sounds extremely adorable. I hope you enjoy, thanks for the request!

TW: Monoma being a jerk

    It was lunchtime for class 1-A and Todoroki was on his way to the cafeteria when he was stopped by Monoma, the infamous class 1-B bully. “ Well if it isn’t class 1-A’s resident baby. Look at you, so pathetic. Grow up.” He said, pushing the boy to the ground. 

    Monoma had recently found out about Todoroki’s age regression and he was using it as new teasing material. It was an accident, of course. He’d walked in on the little changing after training and his pacifier slipped out of his backpack, landing right at the blonde’s feet. He’d picked it up and examined it, eventually deciding to throw it back on the ground and crush it under his foot. But it wasn’t just the pacifier that he’d crushed. He also crushed Todoroki’s little heart. 

    After that, the little ran back to the dorms and into the arms of one of his many babysitters, Momo. She comforted him and made him several new pacifiers to compensate for the one broken one. They decided it was best to inform Aizawa of the incident. Unfortunately, all he could do was give Monoma a stern talking to and a few days in detention. Obviously, it didn’t do much to encourage him to stop bullying Shoto.  

    Naturally, with the blonde’s words, Todoroki began to slip. Right there. Right in front of Monoma. Tears came to his eyes and he tried blinking them away. “ Aw, is the little baby gonna cry? Maybe I should-” The boy was cut off by Aizawa holding his shoulder.

    Monoma froze in place, his entire body tense with fear. “ What was that?” Aizawa said stiffly, giving his shoulder a threatening squeeze. Monoma began stumbling over his words, trying desperately to find an excuse. Aizawa wasn’t buying it, though. 

    The teacher leaned in as close to his ear as possible, making sure Todoroki couldn’t hear what he was about to say. “ Listen, kid, I don’t like you. I want you to remember that next time you mess with one of my students. If I see you talking down to anyone again, I’ll have your annoying ass expelled so fast it’ll make your head spin. Am I clear?” He growled, Monoma nodded and Aizawa released him, giving him a little push for good measure. 

    The teacher squatted down in front of the boy on the floor. Todoroki had curled up in a ball, crying his eyes out. He was happy to see Aizawa but he was still scared Monoma would return. “ Hey buddy, you okay?” He placed a protective hand on Shoto’s knee and gave it a little rub. 

    The little nodded and sniffled. He jumped up from where he sat and into Aizawa’s arms. The teacher welcomed the embrace, rubbing his back. He stood up with the boy in his arms and walked him back to his office. 

    Aizawa unlocked the door and walked in, attempting to set the boy on the small couch. But the little wanted nothing to do with the couch, he wanted to stay in the safe hold of his teacher. The man chuckled at the tightened grip around his neck and the small whine that escaped the little when he tried setting him down. “ You gonna be my little cuddle bug today, hm?” Todoroki nodded, snuggling into the man’s neck.

    “ Well, I know a certain loud, blonde, teacher who is not going to be happy that there is a sweet little baby taking all of his cuddles.” He laughed, this time sitting both of them down on the couch. He pulled a blanket from off of the back of the couch and draped it over the two of them. 

    Shoto was rather little at this point, the incident making him slip to a relatively non-verbal age. He could only offer small nods and whines as responses, occasionally speaking one or two words. So when Aizawa asked what movie he wanted to watch, he quietly mumbled “ Tangled” into the crook of the teacher’s neck. 

    Of course, Aizawa knew what he was going to choose. He chose it every single time. Todoroki absolutely loved Tangled. Something about it just made him feel so small and happy. 

    The movie started as it always did with Eugene narrating the story. “ Do you want a snack, sweetheart?” Aizawa asked, gently petting the boy’s multicolored hair. It wasn’t until Shoto heard Eugene and his teacher’s voice that he realized how similar they sounded. As soon as the thought registered in his mind his head shot up from where it was on the man’s shoulder, gasping loudly. 

    “ What, what’s wrong?!” Aizawa asked in a panic. Now being as little as he was, Shoto couldn’t outright say what he was thinking so he pointed to the movie on the screen and then to Aizawa’s lips, softly poking them. 

    The teacher was very confused at the action and racked his brain to find a solution. “ I’m sorry, bubba. I don’t know what that means.” He shook his head, taking notice of the frustration painted on the little’s face. 

    “ Z-Zawa sound,” he pointed towards Eugene on the screen and pointed back at the teacher. 

    “ Zawa sounds like someone in the movie?” Shoto’s face lit up with excitement when he’d finally understood what he was trying to say. Now all he had to do was tell him who he sounded like. 

    The little grabbed the remote and waited until the perfect moment. As soon as Eugene popped up on the screen he paused it. It took him a second to figure out the buttons but he did it nonetheless. 

    He dropped the remote back in its spot on the couch and pointed excitedly towards the animated man. “ Oh, you think I sound like him?” He asked, the little nodded his head and began bouncing up and down in his lap. 

    It was the day of Shoto’s 16th birthday and he was beyond excited. He’d woken up in littlespace and started his day as usual, except this time he went to Midoriya’s dorm because he needed help getting ready for school. 

“ Well, how could I say no to helping the birthday boy?” He’d given the boy a pat on the head and lead him back to his dorm to get him ready for class. Midoriya had of course already been ready, fully expecting the little to come by. 

They’d succeeded in getting Todoroki dressed and walked to class together. But not before Bakugo made him special birthday pancakes for breakfast. Everyone in the dorms had helped Shoto feel special, knowing he wouldn’t get the same treatment at home. 

    As soon as he’d arrived at his classroom, he noticed the lack of light in the room. He slowly opened the door, looking back at Midoriya for approval. The green-haired boy nodded, giving him the okay to continue opening the door. As soon as the door was fully opened his whole class, including his homeroom teacher jumped up from behind the desks and yelled ‘Surprise!’.

    At first, he was a little startled but once the fight or flight wore off, he began happily squealing and bouncing on the balls of his feet. “ Are you happy, baby?” Midoriya asked, placing his hand on his shoulder. Shoto had no words, all he could do was nod. 

    He was so excited that he hadn’t noticed his teacher slip away. He only realized he was gone when he came back wearing a full Eugene Fitzherbert costume. “ Tangled!” He yelled, pointing to Aizawa. The teacher nodded and walked over to him. He was being held by Kirishima but he got so excited he wiggled out of his arms and ran to hug Aizawa. The teacher welcomed the affection as he always did and picked the boy up to sit on his hip.

    Everyone cooed and took several pictures of the interaction. Aizawa knew that once the pictures got out, none of the other Pro’s would ever let him live it down-- especially Present Mic-- but he didn’t care. His student was happy and that’s all that mattered. And he would do it again for any of his other students. Aizawa would do anything to keep his problem children happy. 💛

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I struggled a little with the plot at first but I like how it turned out. Make sure to leave a request here or on my new Sk8 the Infinity one-shots book! Thank you all for reading!

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