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A/N: Hellooo friends

Requested by: someone on twitter, so sorry I don't remember your @



Shigaraki and Dabi arrived back at their rundown apartment late into the night, bordering on early morning. They'd been on a three-day mission and hadn't gotten any time to relax. Fortunately, they'd both decided they would take a few days off because they were absolutely wiped. Shigaraki needed to regress and Dabi needed to care for him.

" Ah, finally home, now let's get settled, and then you can be my little baby again," Dabi said, placing his duffel bag down and slipping his shoes off at the door. Shigaraki yawned and nodded. He doesn't sleep well when he's away from home. Especially because he can't bring any stuffies with him when they go on extended missions. The only other member of the LOV that knew of his regression was Kurogiri so if he was caught being soft by anyone else, he'd never hear the end of it. Ever.

Dabi decided it would be best to leave his little in the living room with some cartoons on while he got things ready for bed. He'd give him a bath, change him into some nice, fluffy pajamas, and give him a bottle. Usually, Shigaraki doesn't like to take a bottle but when he was exhausted and really small, it helped him sleep a little better.

Dabi walked into the living room, " Alright, princey, bath is all ready for ya." The little whined, not ready to turn off the cartoons that he was so deeply invested in. " Oh I know, I know. I'm the worst daddy ever. Come on, bub, let's go." Dabi didn't feel like arguing so he decided he'd simply pluck the little from his spot on the carpet and carry him, kicking and screaming, to the bath.


Once settled, Shigaraki quite enjoyed his bath time. He had toys and bubbles and those little fizzy tablets that make the water pretty colors. Dabi even set up his little's favorite stuffies on the counter to keep them company. Out of reach, of course. He'd never risk putting a stuffie in that sort of danger, no no no.

" Daddy, m told," Shigaraki shivered a little at the feeling of the cooling water. He'd been in there for quite some time, refusing to leave even after his hair and body had been washed. Dabi nodded with a smile, turning around to grab the fluffy towel he'd set on the counter. " Well then let's get you all warmed up, sweetheart. Stand up and step out so daddy can wrap you up in this cozy towel. Then we can put some lotion on and get you into your favorite pj's. Sound good, pumpkin?"

The little one gave a quiet, " mhm," in response as he did as told. " Good boy, baby! Ok now for some lotion. Do you want lavender or vanilla?" Shigaraki held his towel together while Dabi held up two bottles, one purple and one white. Honestly, he couldn't remember what either smelt like so he just picked the prettiest one, purple, obviously.

" You got it, my little prince. Lavender it is." Dabi put some in his hands and gently started rubbing it into his baby's skin. Shigaraki discovered that he was quite happy with his choice. The soft scent made him feel sleepy and impossibly smaller. He let out an adorable little yawn and leaned more into his caregiver.

" Aw, is my baby sleepy, hm?" the caregiver paused for a moment to give his little a hug and rock him back and forth. Softly, he kissed his temple and went back to his previous task, letting Shigaraki stay cuddled into his chest.


Dabi walked into the living room, a warmed bottle in hand and a pacifier in his pocket. He knew it wouldn't take long for his little to fall asleep so he came prepared. Though sleepy, Shigaraki was still very invested in the colorful cartoons on the TV. " Look what I got, baby bear," Dabi said, sitting down on the couch next to his baby. The little didn't respond, only crawled into his daddy's lap and happily accepted his bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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