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Requested by: 1heartgirl200_

A/N: Hello, my darlings! This is going to be a late Halloween special/ request. I hope you enjoy it!


Kaminari stumbled down the stairs of the class 1A dorm building. He was practically buzzing with excitement. " Daddy! We go now?" He asked, tugging on Kirishima's hand. The caregiver laughed and gave the little a kiss on the forehead.

" Soon, baby. We have to wait for the rest of the class to be ready. And we have to wait for Zuzu, remember?" Zuzu was Kaminari's best littlespace friend and they had been planning to have Halloween together for weeks now. They even had matching costumes! Kaminari was Woody, Izuku going as Buzz Lightyear.

Because of Covid restrictions and the fact that Kaminari and Izuku were both teenagers, it was harder for them to go trick or treating. But they were still dead set on going. So the class came up with a solution. Rather than taking the littles around a neighborhood to ask strangers for candy, they'd set up trick or treating in the dorms! Each classmate, that wasn't a little or caregiver, set up their room with decorations and a bowl of candy. They even all chose themes and matched their costumes to the theme of their room. All aside from Mineta, of course. He was practically punted out the front door when he asked if he could join. That was just a disaster waiting to happen.

" Kami!" Kaminari whipped his head around when he heard Izuku calling his name from the bottom of the stairs. Little Buzz ran up to his best friend, Woody, and gave him a big hug. It'd been so long since they'd seen each other! In their eyes, at least. In reality, it had only been since that afternoon when they had a playdate together.

" Zuzu! Missed you!" The blonde yelled, allowing himself to be squeezed half to death by Izuku. While the littles were hugging, the caregivers, Kirishima and Shinso, checked with the others to make sure they were ready for the little ones to start their way around the dorms.

Once they got the okay, they started to round up the littles. " Okay, babies. Do we have everything ready? Are we forgetting anything?" Shinso asked, trying his best to make sure Izuku and Kaminari had everything they needed so they wouldn't be running around the dorms all night grabbing the things they needed and forgot to grab.

After checking their bags, they both confirmed that they were all ready to go. " Alrighty then, here we go! Are you two excited?" The littles nodded, grabbing each other's hands and starting on their way to the first room.

They were on their way to Mina's room when Kirishima noticed Kaminari starting to drag his feet a little more. He hadn't had his nap that afternoon because he was far too excited to sleep so it made sense that he was tired only by the seventh room. Kirishima started walking just behind him, in case he fell asleep mid-step. Which, yes, is something Kaminari had done before.

" Well look at you two, you look so cute!" Mina squealed, grabbing a handful of candy and stuffing it in each of the little's bags. Their eyes lit up when they saw how much candy she gave each of them. Auntie Mimi always pulled through like that.

" Tank you, Auntie Mimi!" Izuku hugged her, Kaminari doing the same shortly after. Kirishima and Shinso shared a look of fear for the coming days. No matter how much candy they give their littles permission to eat, they both knew that at some point, they'd get into more than what they can handle and have a sugar rush. Most likely together. Dealing with two sugared-up littles is not an easy task. It's definitely one that Aizawa would have to help diffuse, he's the only one who can actually get them to calm down and nap when they're hopped up on sweets.

" You're welcome, babies. Have fun with the rest of your night!" She gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, gave the caregivers a polite wave, and shut the door. They started on their way again, Kirishima watching Kaminari very intently.

" Um, Mr. Kiri, sir?" Izuku said quietly, tugging on the sleeve of Kirishima's hoodie.

" What's up, kiddo?" He responded, smiling his shark teeth smile at the little.

" What's wrong with Kami?" Izuku sounded very concerned, Kaminari was starting to nod off. His eyes drooping and his grip on Izuku's hand slowly weakened. Kirishima looked over at the blonde, laughing to himself. He hadn't noticed him start to doze off like that until Izuku pointed it out.

The redhead picked Kaminari up and rested his head on his shoulder so he could sleep " It's alright, buddy. He's just a little sleepy. Don't worry, I got him. Why don't you and your daddy go finish up and I'll take Kami to bed? Do you think you can do me a big favor and get the rest of Kami's candy too? I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Izuku nodded, happy to help out his friend. Shinso took Izuku's hand in place of Kaminari's and they said their goodbyes to the two.

" Daddy?" Kaminari asked groggily from Kirishima's shoulder. He tried to lift his head but failed miserably when he realized he was too tired to hold it up.

" Yes, firefly?" The caregiver responded, unlocking the door to his dorm as he did so.

" Not done, wanna go finish with Zuzu and Toshi." He whined, still half asleep. Kirishima knew this was not going to end well. He was most definitely going to have to deal with a sleepy meltdown. But on the bright side, he'd already anticipated it so he was already mentally prepared.

He decided not to set the little down yet, he figured it'd be easier to calm him down if he was still cuddled up with him and he was gently bouncing him. " I know, sugar. But you were getting sleepy so I had to bring you back home so we could cuddle and get some rest. Does that sound okay with you, bub?" Kirishima asked gently, planting a kiss on Kaminari's temple.

" But- but wanna go back with Zuzu and gets more candy." The little once again whined, his words slurred. Sure he was absolutely spent but he only got to do Halloween once a year! He wanted to finish getting his candy. Sleep was not on his list of priorities.

The caregiver began gathering the things he would need to get Kaminari ready for bed, still gently rocking him in his arms. " I know you do, I'm sorry we didn't get to finish. I asked Zuzu to get the rest of your candy for you so you'll still get all of your treats. Would it make you feel better to cuddle and watch a movie with daddy, hm?" Kirishima, of course, knew that the little wouldn't even make it through the opening credits of whatever movie they chose, but the offer usually got Kaminari to comply.

The blonde couldn't even verbally respond at that point so he just gave a weak nod and let Kirishima set him on the bed to get him dressed in his favorite pajamas. " Comfy, baby?" Kirishima asked as he ran his fingers through Kaminari's sparky blonde hair.

Again, the boy only nodded, already melting into the bed as he drifted off. " Goodnight, sugar," Kirishima whispered, kissing Kaminari's forehead.

" I'm not... sleepy." And that was that, Kaminari was out cold. The caregiver changed into his pajamas and picked up his little to move him so they could cuddle up together. He again kissed his temple and drifted off into dreamland with his little in his arms. 💛

A/N: Ok so, I'm really sorry if this sounds forced, I promise I did my best lol I hope it was ok, thank you for reading!

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