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A/N: Hello hello, my loves. I hope you are doing well! I would like to say thank you for all the compliments on my writing because it boosts my confidence so much lol Also, I'm gonna make this little Touya and CG Keigo because I feel like there isn't enough little Touya. Anyways, enjoy!

CW: Mention of murder, Shigaraki is drinking ( nothing intense he's just having a drink), baby Touya freaking out because he witnessed said murder and slight threatening

( Sorry, I never know what might trigger people so I try my best to put it all in the CW)


Keigo had just finished his patrol and was on his way back home when he got a text from Touya's usual babysitter, Shigaraki. He'd left the little with him for the night so he could have a night to clean up his apartment and take care of himself. Something he was never able to do considering he was always with his little. He wouldn't have it any other way, of course. But sometimes a caregiver needs a break too.

Crusty boi

Hey, bird brain, your baby is crying. Come fix him.

He opened the text with a sigh, deciding not to grace the man with a response, leaving him on read and quickly changing his route. As he walked, he got more and more frustrated with Shigaraki. All he wanted was one night to himself. One night where he could relax and unwind from his long workday. But no, Shigaraki had to go make Touya all upset and can't fix him so now he had to change his plans.

All of this wasn't to say that Keigo was unhappy in his relationship with Touya. He was actually the happiest he'd ever been. However, that didn't mean he couldn't get a little overwhelmed and frustrated at times. 

The winged man arrived at the villain base no more than five minutes later. Before he could even open the door, he heard Touya's cries from the inside. These didn't sound like cries from a little who needed a nap or a bottle. They sounded like cries from a little who was either in pain or terrified.

Keigo threw the front door open and instantly ran over to his baby who sat in the middle of the floor, clutching his elephant stuffie for dear life. " Hey, shhh, what happened, baby?" He grabbed the boy and set him down in his lap, slowly rocking him.

Touya didn't give a verbal response, only letting out another loud bone-chilling sob. " Tomura, you better tell me what the hell you did before I break your crusty neck." He glared sharply at the villain sitting on the couch in front of him.

" Well, I was doing my job, then the brat walked in and freaked out." Shigaraki took a long swig from his drink and lounged back on the couch. How could he be so nonchalant? Touya was sobbing his little heart out and he was sitting there drinking god knows what and just watching. It made Keigo's blood boil.

" What part of your job were you doing exactly?" The hero could've lunged at him at that moment. The only thing holding him back was the little in his lap. He was grateful he was being held back, Touya didn't need anything else to scare him.

Shigaraki finished off his drink and placed the empty glass on the table next to him. " I Had some business to take care of and there happened to be a witness... or two... or five. Look, it's not my fault that your precious baby walked in on me doing my job." He spat, frustrated for getting blamed.

Keigo's jaw tightened, he could feel his stomach twist in anger as he let out a heavy breath. " You killed five witnesses in front of a two-year-old?! The hell is wrong with you?! Could you not have just, I don't know, left him with Kuroguri or literally anyone else?!" He shouted, covering the little's ears to not startle him with his tone and volume.

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