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A/N: Hi! This is a request that I totally forgot about so I'm doing it now. Enjoy!

Requested by: BakugouKatsuki_Simp


Katsuki woke up to his 4:30 a.m. alarm, as he did every day. He wasted no time getting out of bed and putting on his training clothes. He sent Eijirou a quick good morning text and threw his gym bag over his shoulder as he walked out the door.

The blond had been under a lot of stress lately and instead of regressing, he was training every chance he got. He wasn't eating properly and hardly sleeping. Eijirou had noticed this and was doing his best to get him to focus more on his healthy coping mechanism rather than putting strain on his body. But he wasn't having much success.


Once Katsuki finished his workout, he went back to his dorm to shower and get ready for the day. But, to his surprise, Eijirou had gotten to his dorm before him. The redhead was sitting on his boyfriend's bed holding a paci, blanket, and Katsuki's favorite stuffie.

" Hi baby, how was your workout?" Katsuki rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood for this. " Eiji, I know what you're doing. I have to get ready for class and so do you so go back to your dorm and do that."

Eijirou was not giving up that easily. " Come on, baby boy, you know you need this. Just be small, let daddy take care of you today." Katsuki did his best to ignore his partner's words. He couldn't regress, that made him weak. Katsuki Bakugo was not weak.

" Please, sweetheart? We can stay in the dorms and-" Katsuki finally lost it, he was so stressed and frustrated and he didn't want to slip. " No, Eijirou! I'm not gonna regress! So just go back to your dorm and get dressed, I'll see you in class."

Eijirou decided not to fight it. He knew he'd slip when it got too much, whether it was voluntary or not. He also wasn't upset with Katsuki. Obviously, he was going through something so he would give Katsuki all the time he needed to come to him. He'd be there ready and willing to help.


" Ok, problem children, you have five minutes to study before I pass out your tests." Katsuki's breath caught in his throat. He forgot they had a test today. He hadn't studied. This was bad.

Everyone in the class noticed how stressed Katsuki was. They'd never seen that side of him before and they did not like it. Eijirou knew this was going to be the thing to break him.

Katsuki turned to him with tears in his eyes and Eijirou immediately went into caregiver mode. The redhead walked to his little's desk and crouched down next to him to be at eye level. " What's wrong, baby?" he whispered. Katsuki couldn't respond, he just looked at his caregiver and cried. Loudly.

Quickly, he was scooped up in Eijirou's arms and comforted. " Hey hey, you're ok, angel. Shhh, daddy's got you. Do you wanna go back to your room now, hm?" the little nodded and continued to cry into Eijirou's shoulder.

The redhead looked to Aizawa, receiving a nod of dismissal. The teacher knew what was going on, he was one of the few people who knew about Katsuki's regression.


They made it back to the dorms, Katsuki still crying. Eijirou was worried about him but this wasn't the first time Katsuki had a breakdown like this. " Come on, pebble, let's get you into some pj's," Eijirou said, walking them over to the blond's closet.

Eijirou put Katsuki in his favorite comfy outfit, sweatpants and one of his daddy's shirts that he kept in his room. The little wasn't too big on wearing childish clothing, he wasn't too big on his regression already so things like that just felt patronizing.

Once the boy was dressed, Eijirou tried to set him down on the bed so he could grab a few more things. Katsuki, however, was not having it. The second he realized he was being separated from his daddy, he sobbed and latched onto Eijirou's neck. " Ok ok, calm down, daddy will hold you. You just have to work with me, ok? I gotta get my baby all the things he needs to stay tiny." the little sniffled and nodded, feeling more secure now.

" Do you know how old you are, honey?" Katsuki didn't verbally reply, all he did was look up with the cutest doe eyes and Eijirou knew exactly what that meant. " Oh, I see. I have a little bitty baby on my hands today, huh? That's so sweet, bubba, you're so adorable!" the little didn't know how to respond so he just whined and butted his head into Eijirou's shoulder.

" Ah ah ah, baby, you're gonna hurt yourself doing that. Be gentle," Eijirou pet his head and kissed his forehead. Katsuki whined again but obeyed, that had hurt him a little so he wasn't inclined to do it again.

The caregiver walked over to the small shelf where Katsuki's little items were safely tucked away and hidden from friends. Not that he ever let his friends in his room, but in the event that someone did come in, they wouldn't see anything.

Eijirou grabbed a pacifier, a bottle, a small stuffed cheetah, and a teether. He wasn't sure what Katsuki would gravitate towards so he decided just to grab it all. " Alright, baby bear, you want some angel milk?" the boy nodded into his caregiver's shoulder. That was another indicator of how little Katsuki was. He really only liked angel milk when he was young enough to drink from a bottle and not a sippy.

" Ok, lovely, let's get you some milk then." Eijirou left the dorm and headed to the kitchen. He knew the class still had a while before they got out for the day so he didn't mind bringing his little down into the common area and letting him play or sit with him in the kitchen while his milk was being prepared.

The two made it down to the kitchen and Eijirou got started on making a few easy things for Katsuki to eat. Sure, milk was great, but he needed more nutrients than that. The caregiver has a few 'baby food' recipes that he makes for his little when he's small. Really they're all just smoothies or apple sauces but Katsuki enjoys them and it keeps him fed.

" You sit here and play with your stuffie, baby. I'll turn on a movie for you, daddy has some things to make for you." Eijirou set Katsuki down on the couch, receiving a whine of disapproval. But once his favorite All Might movie started playing on the TV, his attention was quickly turned to that and away from Eijirou.


Katsuki had quickly fallen asleep after finishing his bottle so Eijirou took that opportunity to carry him back up to his room and put him in bed. While the little slept soundly, Eijirou went downstairs and finished up cooking and then, of course, cleaning. If big Katsuki woke up to a mess in his kitchen, Eijirou would not live to see another day.

He stored the rest of the food he made in his mini fridge upstairs, that way no one would ask any questions. Katsuki was still asleep when he finished cleaning so he decided to play some Minecraft while he waited for him to wake up. He'd been working on an epic world where everyone in class 1A had a house that was based on their personalities and quirks. He was planning a big reveal down in the common area when he was finished.

After about an hour, Katsuki began to whine and slowly start opening his eyes. " Hey, pumpkin, did ya have a good nap?" the little nodded and reached out for his daddy. Of course, Eijirou picked him up and gave him lots of kisses to help him wake up.

" Daddyyy," the boy whined. " Sorry sorry," Eijirou chuckled. " Do I have a big boy on my hands now, hm? You were so tiny earlier, bubba." Katsuki thought for a moment but eventually came to the conclusion that he was, in fact, a bigger boy now.

" 'M dis many," the blond shoved three fingers in Eijirou's face to show him how old he was now. " Wow, pebble, you really are a big boy now! How about a snack for my big strong boy?" Katsuki nodded and the two were off to the kitchen once again.

Eijirou was a little hesitant, considering it was just about time for classes to end for the day, but he decided to take the risk and go downstairs. They'd just have to be really fast.

They made it to the kitchen in record time, snagging a bag of goldfish and some fruit snacks before running back up to Katsuki's room. Eijirou made the executive decision that, for the rest of the day, all they were going to do was play minecraft and cuddle. As much as Katsuki hated to admit it, he definitely needed a little day. 💛


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