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Requested by: iwannawritelots

Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy!


Shigaraki drug himself into the door of the LOV bar. He was on the edge of slipping and he was trying his best to make it to his room before he did. It had been a hard mental day for him. Hero after hero praised for doing the bare minimum. It made him sick.

He finally made it to his bedroom, narrowly dodging a flying dagger. Courtesy of Toga, of course. A long sigh of relief escaped his lips as he plopped down onto his bed. His arm snaked around to the side and under his bed, grabbing the little black box. It was covered in cute stickers with the word ' Shiggy' written across the front in a soft baby blue.

He removed the lid and grabbed his paci. A feeling of safety washed over him like a wave when he placed it in his mouth. He instantly slipped. Small giggles of excitement made their way out of his mouth and into the air, filling the room with happiness.

As he giggled and danced on his bed, footsteps approached his door. He didn't hear them at first, but he was startled deeply into headspace when he heard the rough knock on his door. This of course resulted in him instantly panicking. Tears began falling from his eyes and his breathing became more ragged by the second.

When Dabi didn't hear a reply from the other side of the door, he swung it open. He was expecting to see Shigaraki on his phone or reading a book. What he was not expecting to see, was Shigaraki crying and hyperventilating with a pacifier in his mouth. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He did have his suspicions of the boy being a little, as he has been a caregiver to his younger brother, Shouto, in the past. However, he was never sure and sure as hell would never have asked.

Regardless of the shock, he decided it was more important to try and calm him down rather than continue to stare in disbelief. He made his way over to the bed and sat down on the edge. " Hey hey, buddy, shhh. It's alright, nothings gonna getcha. I'm right here for you. Can you take some big deep breaths for me, baby?" He began taking deep breaths, showing the little how to do it himself and encouraging him to follow along.

Shigaraki took notice of this and began mimicking his breaths. It took a few moments of trying, but the boy eventually calmed his breathing down and was just left with clammy shaking hands. " Good job, kiddo! I'm so proud of you for calming yourself down. Did I startle you, sweetheart? I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Dabi said, running his fingers through the little's hair.

The boy nodded in response, leaning into his touch. He hadn't had physical contact in so long and it felt so nice. " Oh, you like that? Feels nice, huh little guy?" Again, only a nod in response. He didn't really feel like he could trust his voice to do much more. Dabi started giving him little head scratches, watching him melt under the touch.

" Like head tickles." Dabi only laughed at his response, he thought it was absolutely adorable that he called them ' head tickles'.

" Alright, little one. Why don't you come and sit in my lap and rest for a bit while I give you head tickles, hm?" Dabi didn't even have to finish his sentence before the little jumped to sit in his lap. He nearly knocked both of them off the bed in the process.

Dabi chuckled and positioned them to where he was laying down with the little one laying on top of him. He continued to run his fingers through his hair with the occasional scratch. " So, how old are you?" He asked, his caregiver instincts were screaming at him to take care of the little boy.

Shigaraki took a moment to think before raising two fingers. " Wow, a whole two years old? That's super cool. So you're a really little boy today, huh?" He felt a little guilty that he was regressed so young. He knew it was probably his fault.

The little whined and said " Big boy". Shiggy started to bring his thumb up to his lips, realizing he dropped his paci. Dabi noticed this and pulled his hand away.

" No, baby, that's not good for you." The caregiver tried to search the sheets for the plastic soother but failed to find it. He had a moment of panic before he realized it had fallen on the floor. Carefully, he reached over and plucked it from the ground.

Shigaraki tried to grab it from his hand before Dabi pulled it away. " No no, it's icky now. Let's go get it cleaned up. Would you like anything else before we lay down again?" Dabi was planning to put him down for bed. Of course, he wasn't going to tell the little as he did not want to deal with a meltdown.

" Baba pease." He mumbled as Dabi stood from the bed, settling him on his hip. It took a moment to process what the boy had said, but he eventually figured it out.

" Oh, you want a bottle! Yeah, let's get you a bottle, little one." The caregiver searched through the little box of items to find a bottle. He found one with stars and a moon on it. He grabbed it and shoved it in his coat pocket.

The two walked out of the room, relieved to see that everyone had settled in for the night. Dabi carefully made his way through the halls and to the kitchen, trying his best not to wake anyone.

Once they made it to the kitchen, Dabi tried to set Shigaraki down on the counter. Keyword tried. The little one kept a tight grip around his neck, locking himself onto the caregiver. " Alright kid, if you won't let me put you down, you're gonna have to work with me. Would you like to help me make your bottle?" He asked, bouncing the little slightly.

Shigaraki lit up at the question, extremely excited at the opportunity. He nodded excitedly. A little too excitedly, he almost fell out of Dabi's arms. " Woah hey, settle down, kiddo. You can help me, can you hold this for me?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bottle. Shiggy happily took hold of the bottle and held it close to his chest for safe keeping.

" Good boy, now for the milk." He walked them over to the fridge to grab the milk. Once he did, he set it down on the counter and took the bottle from the little's hands.

Shiggy whined at the loss but quickly recovered when he realized it was needed for him to get his sleepy time milk. He once again started to happily wiggle in Dabi's hold. The man eventually having to set him down, trying to make sure he didn't spill the milk all over the floor.

Shigaraki began to make grabby hands from his place on the counter. " Mmm, daddy!" He whined, missing the close contact. Dabi was taken aback by the nickname, not expecting the little to be so attached to him.

Regardless, he broke from his shocked trance and quickly finished up pouring the milk and setting it in the microwave to warm. " C'mere ya, little stinker." He said, picking the boy back up, settling him in his hold.

The boy giggled as Dabi tickled his side. " Shhh, little one. We don't want to wake the others, do we?" He asked, regretting the small tickle. Shiggy shook his head, feeling bad that he could've woken his friends.

The little one finished his bottle while being held and slightly rocked in Dabi's arms. He had brought him back to the bedroom and sat them on the edge of the bed. " Good boy, you finished all of your milk! Daddy is so proud of his little boy!" Dabi said, giving him a small kiss on his forehead.

It took a little coaxing and plenty of head tickles to get the little to sleep but it was well worth the time. Dabi knew Shigaraki struggled to get to sleep so he was happy he could help him relax enough to fall asleep.

As he watched his chest rise and fall with steady breaths, he thought about how lucky he was to see his friend in such an adorable state. He had missed being a caregiver and he hoped he could continue doing so for Shigaraki. One thing was for certain, he would protect the precious boy with everything he had. 💛

A/N: There ya go! The first official ShigaDabi one-shot. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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