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Requested by: TeddyBumble

A/N: Hello all! This story is for one of my very best friends, I asked her what she wanted me to write and this is what she asked for so here we are. I've actually been missing Katsuki a lot so I'm really happy about this ship. Anyways, enjoy!


When Kirishima arrived at his dorm after his full day of school, studying, and training, it was well after dark and nearly curfew. He'd made it just in time to get cleaned up and ready for bed before lights out.

After a nice, hot shower the boy walked into his room and decided to turn on some music to help him relax a little more before bed. Now, Kirishima was not planning on regressing that night and he surely wasn't expecting to slip so quickly. However, the second that his playlist started, he was a goner.

The little began dancing happily around his dorm, stimming to the music. He was flapping his hands about and noisily jumping and stomping to the beat. Every once in a while he'd start singing the lyrics but usually, despite having the voice of an angel, he didn't often sing when little.

Bakugo was studying for his upcoming test when he heard the noises coming from the room next to his own. He smiled a little, knowing his little was happy. That smile didn't last long, though as he realized he'd have to be the one to break the news to the boy that it was too late to be making such a ruckus. The caregiver stood from his desk chair and collected a couple of items that would help soften the blow.

Kirishima didn't hear the first knock, so when Bakugo unlocked his door with his spare key, he was a little startled to see his caregiver. But nevertheless, he was still extremely excited, making him stim even more.

" Hey baby boy, how are you?" Bakugo asked, adding as much cheer to his voice as he could muster. Kirishima danced over to him and began doing a cute little wiggle as his music continued to blast from his speakers.

" I good! Listenin' to my songs, daddy!" The little cheered, still completely and blissfully unaware that his little jam session would have to be cut short. Bakugo decided to let him finish the current song before he turned it off. It would just be cruel to cut it off halfway through the song.

Once the song finished, the caregiver hit pause on the playlist and watched Kirishima's face fall into sadness. " No, daddy! No turn off." He whined, reaching for the phone in Bakugo's hand. The blonde was faster, though. He pulled his hand back and set the phone on top of the dresser where he hoped Kirishima would forget about it.

" It's too late to be listening to music so loud, sweet boy. I'm happy that you're having a good time but we have to remember that our friends are trying to sleep. We don't wanna be mean and wake them up, right?" Little Kirishima hadn't realized that his friends were trying to sleep. He just wanted to dance!

He pouted, still upset about his music being stopped but aware of the fact that it would be disrespectful to continue his fun. " But I wanna hear songs, pease." Bakugo's heart broke at the words, he felt horrible for turning off the music. But he knew that Iida would be a huge grouch in the morning if he didn't get his beauty rest and Midoriya would likely be one as well.

" I know you do, honey. Daddy is so sorry he had to turn it off. How about we have a dance party tomorrow in the common room with everyone, sound good?" Kirishima's face instantly lit up at the idea. His friends always made everything more fun, especially at dance parties. Mina likes to teach him new dance moves and sometimes she can even get Bakugo to do some with them.

Kirishima agreed to the deal and hugged his caregiver. The two giggled while still in the embrace. " How was your day today, baby bunny?" Bakugo asked, pulling away from the hug just enough to look at his little.

The redhead thought back on his day and remembered how long and difficult it was. It was only then that he realized how tired he was. " Super-duper hard, I did lots of big boy stuffs today, daddy." Though he didn't say it, Bakugo knew the boy was exhausted. He could tell by the slight droop of his eyes and the barely noticeable rasp in his tone.

However, he also knew that if he mentioned bedtime, he'd have to diffuse a tantrum and he really didn't want to have to deal with that. Especially with Kirishima being so tired. It would be an absolute nightmare. " Yeah? Why don't you tell me all about it while we get your hair all brushed and soft?" Bakugo sat down on the bed, Kirishima following and sitting down between his caregiver's legs in front of him.

The blonde reached into the bedside table and pulled out a brush, some detangling spray, and hair cream. Kirishima's hair, being dyed so many times, was very easily tangled. So to aid this, Bakugo tried his best to brush it out and help him take care of it when he was small.

" Daddy, today I gots all my work done and I train with Uncle Zuku, he so manly." Bakugo would be lying if he said the comment didn't strike a nerve deep down inside him, but for the sake of the child, he shoved his feelings down and continued on with brushing the little's hair.

" Oh yeah? He didn't hurt my little one, did he?" Bakugo momentarily paused his brushing and leaned down to look Kirishima in the eyes. To which the boy shook his head and turned back to face in front of him.

The caregiver resumed his task and listened on as Kirishima ranted about his long day. " Oh and den, Zawa say dat I doin better and he proud of me for workin so hard!" Kirishima was very excited about this particular part of his day. He'd been struggling a bit in his classes and he eventually caved and asked Mr. Aizawa for help. Of course, now that he was getting help, he was doing much better and he was elated to hear that his teacher noticed this and was proud of his accomplishments.

" That's awesome, baby! Daddy is really proud of you too, I think you deserve a reward. Would you like to pick something from the box or off the list? It can be whatever you want." The little began wiggling and clapping with excitement. He was extremely excited to be rewarded for his hard work.

Once Bakugo finished up with Kirishima's hair, he picked him up and carried him to the wall where the list was hanging and where the reward box sat, under said list. " Alright, kiddo, you can choose one thing. Whatever you want." Kirishima began inspecting the list, carefully weighing his options. The list was more special than the box, being that the items on it were dates for the couple to go on and the box was simply material rewards. However, he still couldn't decide. He'd had his eye on one of the stuffies in the box for weeks. But on the other hand, the list wasn't something Bakugo often rewarded him with. Those were the extra special ones.

After a long five minutes of Kirishima going back and forth with himself, he finally decided on the reward he wanted. " Daddy I wanna go to build-a-bear! And den we go eats dinner together and eats lots of dessert!" The little bounced up and down as his caregiver laughed at his antics.

" Build-a-bear it is then, we can go Friday night so we can have a sleepover with the rest of the class when we get home. Now, let's lay down and watch a movie together. Go get your stuffies, baby boy, I brought you some snacks and your favorite blanket from my room." Bakugo set the little loose and let him gather his stuffies while he prepared a few snacks and started setting up the bed with blankets and pillows.

The two settled into bed together, Bakugo's books long forgotten on his desk. Kirishima was nestled into Bakugo's chest, both sets of legs comfortably tangled together. Of course, Kirishima was out like a light the second Bakugo started playing with the strands of red hair and humming the boy's favorite lullaby. The blonde looked down at his little, sound asleep, smiling at how peaceful he looked. " Goodnight, puppy. Daddy loves you." 💛

A/N: Finally done, this one took me too long for my liking. Sorry, bestie! But I hope you enjoyed it! 

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