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Requested by: iwannawritelots

A/N: If it's not already obvious, I'm in love with EraserMic. So here's Little Zawa with Papa Mic. Enjoy!

TW: Hospital anxiety, injuries, needles


" Has anyone seen Eraser?!" Hizashi asked frantically, running from hero to hero. They'd just finished an intense battle with the League of Villains and his little was nowhere to be found. He ripped his speaker off, feeling suffocated by the equipment.

The blonde ran over to All Might, who was still recovering from a rather hard blow to the stomach. " Hey! You know where Shouta is?" The hero stood from his slumped position and pointed at the ambulance to their left. Hizashi watched as his little one was loaded into the ambulance and tried to make it over before they left.

A long sigh of worry and frustration escaped him as he watched it drive away, leaving him behind. He knew he had to get to the hospital before Aizawa slipped. Little Aizawa was not a fan of doctors, and Hizashi knew that his little would have a full meltdown if he didn't make it in time.

" Sir, I need you to calm down. I have to put this IV in your arm." The medic said, trying to calm the crying man. He'd been trying to place the IV for several minutes after leaving the battlegrounds.

" No! I no want it, hurt!" He cried, absolutely terrified. He didn't want to be mean to the medic but he was scared and he wanted his daddy. He'd slipped as soon as they loaded him into the ambulance and the medics trying to treat him only made him regress further.

The medic in question had not noticed until now that he was regressed. Now he knew better how to treat him. " Okay buddy, let's calm down, yeah? I need to give you some medicine to make you feel better. Can you let me do that? I promise I'll be gentle." He said, setting his hand down on the bed.

The little was still crying and afraid but felt a little safer now that the medic understood his mindset. " But hurts and scary!" He cried out.

" I know you're scared, buddy. But if you let me give you some medicine in your arm, I'll give you a surprise when I'm finished!" Little Zawa was very intrigued by the offer. So intrigued in fact, that he slowly brought his arm away from his chest where he'd been holding it, and offered it to the medic.

The man took this as a win and took a gentle hold on the little's wrist. He set his hand down in his lap and told him to keep it there and hold it still. " Okay, kiddo. Here comes the scary part, I need you to be really still so that I can get this on the first try. Think you can do that for me?" He asked, already swiping an alcohol swab across his inner elbow.

Aizawa nodded and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt a little pinch and let out a tiny whimper. " All done! You did such a good job, buddy! Let me get the medicine going and I'll grab your surprise, okay?" The boy nodded once again, smiling at the praise.

The medicine came dripping down the hollow tube as the medic walked behind the bed, retrieving the boy's promised prize. He pulled out three pieces of fruit-flavored candy and walked back to Aizawa's bedside. " Here ya go, for being such a good boy." He said, placing the candies in his hand.

The little gasped in excitement. His daddy never let him have three whole pieces of candy at once! " Thanks, mister!" He said, already ripping one open. As soon as he placed the sweet in his mouth, the ambulance stopped. He was a little confused but dismissed the thought as he was more focused on the treat.

The driver of the ambulance walked around to the back and opened the big doors. The two standing medics started getting the little unloaded from the truck, having a quick hushed conversation. " Hey there, bud! I heard you were a good boy for my partner here. He can be kinda scary, huh?" The driver asked, tilting her head.

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